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Showing words for FLINGING using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Flinging


7 Letter Words for Flinging


6 Letter Words for Flinging

filing, fining, lignin, lining

5 Letter Words for Flinging

fling, infin, linin

4 Letter Words for Flinging

fili, fini, finn, ging, ginn, infl, liin, ling, linn

3 Letter Words for Flinging

fgn, fig, fil, fin, gif, gig, gin, igg, ign, inf, ing, inn, lif, lig, lin, nig, nil

Definitions for Flinging

[1] to throw, cast, or hurl with force or violence: to fling a stone.
[2] to move (oneself) violently with impatience, contempt, or the like: She flung herself angrily from the room.
[3] to put suddenly or violently: to fling a suspect into jail.
[4] to project or speak sharply, curtly, or forcefully: He flung his answer at the questioner.
[5] to involve (oneself) vigorously in an undertaking.
[6] to move, do, or say (something) quickly: to fling a greeting in passing.
[7] to send suddenly and rapidly: to fling fresh troops into a battle.
[8] to throw aside or off.
[9] to throw to the ground, as in wrestling or horseback riding.
[10] to move with haste or violence; rush; dash.
[11] to fly into violent and irregular motions, as a horse; throw the body about, as a person.
[12] to speak harshly or abusively (usually followed by out ): He flung out disgustedly against the whole human race.
[13] an act of flinging.
[14] a short period of unrestrained pursuit of one's wishes or desires: The week of partying was my last fling before starting a new job.
[15] an attempt at something: He took a fling at playwriting.
[16] a critical or contemptuous remark; gibe.
[17] Also called Highland fling. a lively Scottish dance characterized by flinging movements of the arms and legs.
[18] to throw, esp with force or abandon; hurl or toss
[19] to put or send without warning or preparation to fling someone into jail
[20] (also intr) to move (oneself or a part of the body) with abandon or speed he flung himself into a chair
[21] (usually foll by into) to apply (oneself) diligently and with vigour (to)
[22] to cast aside; disregard she flung away her scruples
[23] to utter violently or offensively
[24] poetic to give out; emit
[25] the act or an instance of flinging; toss; throw
[26] a period or occasion of unrestrained, impulsive, or extravagant behaviour to have a fling
[27] any of various vigorous Scottish reels full of leaps and turns, such as the Highland fling
[28] a trial; try to have a fling at something different

Words related to Flinging

flinglob, jerk, dump, hurl, sling, heave, shot, toss, pitch, chuck, cast, peg, firing, essay, splurge, indulgence, affair, rampage, whirl

Words nearby Flinging

flingflinders, flinders bar, flinders grass, flinders island, flinders range, fling, fling (throw) down the gauntlet, fling oneself at someone, flinger, flint, flint corn

Origin of Flinging

1250–1300; Middle English; compare Swedish flänga to fly, race

Other words from Flinging

out·fling , verb (used with object), out·flung, out·fling·ing.

Word origin for Flinging

C13: of Scandinavian origin; related to Old Norse flengja to flog, Swedish flänga , Danish flænge

Synonyms for Flinging

cast, chuck, firing, heave, hurl, launching, lob, peg, pitch, shot, slinging, toss