9 Letter Words for Floatable
7 Letter Words for Floatable
abollae, ballate, ballota, ballote, bellota, botella, fabella, falbelo, fellata, floatel, loaflet, tabella
6 Letter Words for Floatable
ablate, abolla, afetal, afloat, balafo, balate, ballat, ballet, ballot, batell, befall, boatel, boltel, fatale, flabel, flotel, folate, lobata, lobate, oblata, oblate
5 Letter Words for Floatable
abaft, abate, ablet, abote, aflat, alate, aleft, alfet, allot, aloft, atelo, atole, atoll, bafta, balao, balat, ballo, batea, batel, beala, beata, belat, bello, blate, bleat, bloat, blote, botel, fable, falla, fatal, fella, fetal, float, flota, flote, label, lobal, oblat, tabel, tabla, table, talao, talea
4 Letter Words for Floatable
abel, abet, able, alae, alba, albe, alef, alfa, allo, aloe, alto, atef, atle, baal, baft, bale, ball, bata, bate, beal, beat, bela, bell, belt, beta, blae, blat, blea, bleo, blet, blot, boat, bola, bole, boll, bolt, bota, bote, fala, fall, fate, feal, feat, fell, felt, feta, flab, flat, flea, flet, flob, floe, flot, foal, fole, foll, laet, laft, lalo, lata, late, leaf, leal, leat, left, leto, loaf, lobe, loft, lota, lote, olea, olla, taal, tael, tala, tale, tall, teal, tela, tell, tobe, toea, tola, tole, toll
3 Letter Words for Floatable
aal, aba, abl, abo, abt, afb, aft, ala, alb, ale, alf, all, alo, alt, aob, ate, baa, bae, bal, bat, bef, bel, bet, blo, blt, boa, boe, bol, bot, btl, eat, efl, eft, ela, elb, elf, ell, elt, eof, eta, fab, fao, fat, feb, fet, flb, fll, flo, flt, fob, foe, fol, fot, laa, lab, lao, lat, lbf, lea, leo, let, llb, loa, lob, loe, lof, lot, oaf, oat, oba, obe, obl, oft, ola, ole, taa, tab, tal, tao, tea, tef, tel, tlo, toa, tob, toe, tol
Definitions for Floatable
[1] capable of floating; that can be floated.
[2] that can be floated on, as a river.
Words related to Floatable
agile, slight, buoyant, fluffy, loose, slender, delicate, easy, lightweight, small, airy, thin, resilient, bouncy, trivial, inconsequential, ethereal, sheer, petty, portable
Words nearby Floatable
float glass, float off, float switch, float valve, float-feed, floatable, floatage, floatation, floatboard, floatcut file, floatel
Origin of Floatable
First recorded in 1820–30; float + -able
Other words from Floatable
float·a·bil·i·ty , noun
un·float·a·ble , adjective
Synonyms for Floatable
agile, airy, buoyant, delicate, easy, fluffy, lightweight, loose, slender, slight, small, thin, dainty, featherweight, flimsy, floating, little, petty, portable, sheer, trifling, atmospheric, crumbly, downy, effervescent, ethereal, feathery, filmy, friable, frothy, gossamery, graceful, imponderous, inconsequential, insubstantial, light-footed, lithe, meager, nimble, porous, sandy, spongy, sprightly, sylphlike, tissuelike, trivial, unheavy, unsubstantial, weightless