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Showing words for FLOOD using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Flood
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3 Letter Words for Flood
Definitions for Flood
[1] a great flowing or overflowing of water, especially over land not usually submerged.
[2] any great outpouring or stream: a flood of tears.
[3] the Flood, the universal deluge recorded as having occurred in the days of Noah. Gen. 7.
[4] the rise or flowing in of the tide (opposed to ebb).
[5] a floodlight.
[6] Archaic . a large body of water.
[7] to overflow in or cover with a flood; fill to overflowing: Don't flood the bathtub.
[8] to cover or fill, as if with a flood: The road was flooded with cars.
[9] to overwhelm with an abundance of something: to be flooded with mail.
[10] Automotive . to supply too much fuel to (the carburetor), so that the engine fails to start.
[11] to floodlight.
[12] to flow or pour in or as if in a flood.
[13] to rise in a flood; overflow.
[14] Pathology . to suffer uterine hemorrhage, especially in connection with childbirth. to have an excessive menstrual flow.
[15] the inundation of land that is normally dry through the overflowing of a body of water, esp a river the state of a river that is at an abnormally high level (esp in the phrase in flood ) Related adjective: diluvial
[16] a great outpouring or flow a flood of words
[17] the rising of the tide from low to high water (as modifier ) the flood tide Compare ebb (def. 3)
[18] theatre short for floodlight
[19] archaic a large body of water, as the sea or a river
[20] (of water) to inundate or submerge (land) or (of land) to be inundated or submerged
[21] to fill or be filled to overflowing, as with a flood the children's home was flooded with gifts
[22] (intr) to flow; surge relief flooded through him
[23] to supply an excessive quantity of petrol to (a carburettor or petrol engine) or (of a carburettor, etc) to be supplied with such an excess
[24] (intr) to rise to a flood; overflow
[25] (intr) to bleed profusely from the uterus, as following childbirth to have an abnormally heavy flow of blood during a menstrual period
[26] the Flood Old Testament the flood extending over all the earth from which Noah and his family and livestock were saved in the ark. (Genesis 7–8); the Deluge
[27] Henry . 1732–91, Anglo-Irish politician: leader of the parliamentary opposition to English rule
Words related to Flood
deluge, downpour, glut, flow, spate, surge, tide, stream, wave, torrent, tsunami, rush, overwhelm, saturate, sweep, choke, swamp, drown, engulf, overflow
Words nearby Flood
floe, floeberg, flog, flokati, flong, flood, flood basalt, flood control, flood insurance, flood lamp, flood plain
Origin of Flood
before 900; Middle English flod (noun), Old English flōd; cognate with Gothic flōdus, Old High German fluot (German Flut )
Other words from Flood
flood·a·ble , adjective
flood·er , noun
flood·less , adjective
flood·like , adjective
o·ver·flood , verb
pre·flood , adjective
un·der·flood , verb
un·flood·ed , adjective
well-flood·ed , adjective
Word origin for Flood
Old English flōd ; related to Old Norse flōth , Gothic flōdus , Old High German fluot flood, Greek plōtos navigable; see flow , float
Synonyms for Flood
deluge, downpour, flow, glut, spate, stream, surge, tide, torrent, tsunami, wave, Niagara, abundance, alluvion, bore, bounty, cataclysm, cataract, current, drift, eager, excess, flux, freshet, inundation, multitude, outpouring, overflow, plenty, pour, profusion, rush, superabundance, superfluity, surplus, drencher, outgushing