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Showing words for FLOODGATE using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Floodgate
8 Letter Words for Floodgate
floodage, footgeld, gatefold, leadfoot
7 Letter Words for Floodgate
fagoted, floated, flotage, foldage, footage, footled, gloated
6 Letter Words for Floodgate
algedo, aloofe, dogate, dotage, feodal, flated, flodge, foaled, fodgel, folate, fooled, footed, footle, galeod, galoot, gelato, geodal, goaled, godlet, golfed, goofed, goolde, legato, loafed, lofted, looted, ooglea, togaed, toledo, toodle, tooled
5 Letter Words for Floodgate
adlet, adolf, afgod, afoot, aglet, agloo, agood, aleft, alfet, aloed, aloft, aloof, atelo, atole, dalet, dealt, defat, defog, delft, deloo, delta, deota, dogal, doole, dotal, fadge, fagot, fated, fetal, fload, float, flood, flota, flote, fodge, fogle, galet, gated, getfd, glade, glead, gloat, glode, gloea, glood, godet, golet, goold, lated, legoa, lodge, oflag, ogled, tagel, taled, todea, toldo, toled
4 Letter Words for Floodgate
adet, aged, aget, alef, alod, aloe, alto, ated, atef, atle, daft, dago, dale, dalf, dalo, dalt, date, dato, deaf, deal, deft, delf, delt, doat, doge, dola, dole, dolf, dolt, dool, dote, egad, egal, egol, elod, fade, fado, fage, fate, feal, feat, felt, feod, feta, flag, flat, flea, fled, fleg, flet, floe, flog, flot, foal, foge, fogo, fold, fole, food, fool, foot, gade, gael, gaet, gale, galt, gate, geal, geat, geld, geod, geol, geta, glad, gled, glod, goad, goaf, goal, goat, gode, goel, gola, gold, gole, golf, good, goof, gool, gote, goto, lade, laet, laft, late, lead, leaf, leat, leda, left, leto, load, loaf, lode, loed, loft, loge, logo, lood, loof, loot, lota, lote, loto, odal, odea, odel, ogle, olea, oleo, otoe, tade, taed, tael, tald, tale, tead, teal, tega, tela, teld, toad, toda, tode, toea, toed, toga, toge, togo, tola, told, tole, tool
3 Letter Words for Floodgate
ade, ado, afd, aft, age, ago, agt, ald, ale, alf, alg, alo, alt, ate, dae, dag, dal, dao, dat, dea, def, deg, del, det, dft, dle, doa, doe, dog, dol, doo, dot, ead, eat, edo, efl, eft, ego, ela, eld, elf, elt, eof, eta, fad, fag, fao, fat, fed, fet, fld, flo, flt, fod, foe, fog, fol, foo, fot, gad, gal, gat, ged, gel, geo, get, gld, glt, goa, god, gol, goo, got, gtd, gte, lad, lag, lao, lat, ldg, lea, led, leg, leo, let, loa, lod, loe, lof, log, loo, lot, ltd, oad, oaf, oat, oda, ode, ofo, oft, ola, old, ole, oof, oot, oto, tad, tag, tal, tao, tea, ted, tef, teg, tel, tlo, toa, tod, toe, tog, tol, too
Definitions for Floodgate
[1] Civil Engineering . a gate designed to regulate the flow of water.
[2] anything serving to control the indiscriminate flow or passage of something.
[3] Also called: head gate , water gate a gate in a sluice that is used to control the flow of water See also sluicegate
[4] (often plural) a control or barrier against an outpouring or flow to open the floodgates to immigration
Words nearby Floodgate
flood plain, flood tide, flood wall, flooded gum, flooders, floodgate, flooding, floodlight, floodlight projector, floodplain, floodwater
Origin of Floodgate
Middle English word dating back to 1175–1225; see origin at flood, gate1