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Showing words for FLOURISH using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Flourish
7 Letter Words for Flourish
6 Letter Words for Flourish
5 Letter Words for Flourish
4 Letter Words for Flourish
3 Letter Words for Flourish
Definitions for Flourish
[1] to be in a vigorous state; thrive: a period in which art flourished.
[2] to be in its or in one's prime; be at the height of fame, excellence, influence, etc.
[3] to be successful; prosper.
[4] to grow luxuriantly, or thrive in growth, as a plant.
[5] to make dramatic, sweeping gestures: Flourish more when you act out the king's great death scene.
[6] to add embellishments and ornamental lines to writing, letters, etc.
[7] to sound a trumpet call or fanfare.
[8] to brandish dramatically; gesticulate with: a conductor flourishing his baton for the crescendo.
[9] to decorate or embellish (writing, a page of script, etc.) with sweeping or fanciful curves or lines.
[10] an act or instance of brandishing.
[11] an ostentatious display.
[12] a decoration or embellishment, especially in writing: He added a few flourishes to his signature.
[13] Rhetoric . a parade of fine language; an expression used merely for effect.
[14] a trumpet call or fanfare.
[15] a condition or period of thriving: in full flourish.
[16] (intr) to thrive; prosper
[17] (intr) to be at the peak of condition
[18] (intr) to be healthy plants flourish in the light
[19] to wave or cause to wave in the air with sweeping strokes
[20] to display or make a display
[21] to play (a fanfare, etc) on a musical instrument
[22] (intr) to embellish writing, characters, etc, with ornamental strokes
[23] to add decorations or embellishments to (speech or writing)
[24] (intr) an obsolete word for blossom
[25] the act of waving or brandishing
[26] a showy gesture he entered with a flourish
[27] an ornamental embellishment in writing
[28] a display of ornamental language or speech
[29] a grandiose passage of music
[30] an ostentatious display or parade
[31] obsolete the state of flourishing the state of flowering
Words related to Flourish
twist, embellishment, ornamentation, quirk, develop, blossom, multiply, succeed, boom, expand, bloom, thrive, plume, spiral, sweep, curl, garnish, furbelow, flower, augment
Words nearby Flourish
flour, flour beetle, flour mill, flour mite, flour moth, flourish, flourishing, floury, flout, flow, flow breccia
Origin of Flourish
1250–1300; Middle English florisshen < Middle French floriss-, long stem of florir ≪ Latin flōrēre to bloom, derivative of flōs flower
Other words from Flourish
flour·ish·er , noun
out·flour·ish , verb (used with object)
Word origin for Flourish
C13: from Old French florir , ultimately from Latin flōrēre to flower, from flōs a flower
Synonyms for Flourish
embellishment, ornamentation, quirk, twist, curl, furbelow, garnish, plume, spiral, sweep