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Showing words for FLUSH using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Flush
4 Letter Words for Flush
3 Letter Words for Flush
Definitions for Flush
[1] a blush; rosy glow: a flush of embarrassment on his face.
[2] a rushing or overspreading flow, as of water.
[3] a sudden rise of emotion or excitement: a flush of anger.
[4] glowing freshness or vigor: the flush of youth.
[5] hot flush. hot flash.
[6] a cleansing preparation that acts by flushing: an oil flush for the car's engine.
[7] to redden; cause to blush or glow: Winter air flushed the children's cheeks.
[8] to flood or spray thoroughly with water, as for cleansing purposes: They flushed the wall with water and then scrubbed it down.
[9] to wash out (a sewer, toilet, etc.) by a sudden rush of water.
[10] Metallurgy . to remove slag from (a blast furnace). to spray (a coke oven) to cool the gases generated and wash away the ammonia and tars distilled.
[11] to animate or excite; inflame: flushed with success.
[12] to blush; redden.
[13] to flow with a rush; flow and spread suddenly.
[14] to operate by flushing; undergo flushing: The toilet won't flush.
[15] even or level, as with a surface; forming the same plane: The bottom of the window is flush with the floor.
[16] having direct contact; being right next to; immediately adjacent; contiguous: The table was flush against the wall.
[17] well-supplied, as with money; affluent; prosperous: He was feeling flush on payday.
[18] abundant or plentiful, as money.
[19] having a ruddy or reddish color; blushing.
[20] full of vigor; lusty.
[21] full to overflowing.
[22] Printing . even or level with the right margin (flush right) or the left margin (flush left) of the type page; without an indention.
[23] on the same level; in a straight line; without a change of plane: to be made flush with the top of the table.
[24] in direct contact; squarely: It was set flush against the edge.
[25] to make flush or even.
[26] to improve the nutrition of (a ewe) to bring on optimum physiological conditions for breeding.
[27] to send out shoots, as plants in spring.
[28] a fresh growth, as of shoots and leaves.
[29] to rouse and cause to start up or fly off: to flush a woodcock.
[30] to fly out or start up suddenly.
[31] a flushed bird or flock of birds.
[32] consisting entirely of cards of one suit: a flush hand.
[33] a hand or set of cards all of one suit. Compare royal flush, straight flush.
[34] Pinochle . a meld of ace, king, queen, jack, and ten of the trump suit. Compare marriage(def 9) , royal marriage.
[35] to blush or cause to blush
[36] to flow or flood or cause to flow or flood with or as if with water
[37] to glow or shine or cause to glow or shine with a rosy colour
[38] to send a volume of water quickly through (a pipe, channel, etc) or into (a toilet) for the purpose of cleansing, emptying, etc
[39] to cause (soluble substances in the soil) to be washed towards the surface, as by the action of underground springs, or (of such substances) to be washed towards the soil surface
[40] (tr; usually passive) to excite or elate
[41] a rosy colour, esp in the cheeks; blush
[42] a sudden flow or gush, as of water
[43] a feeling of excitement or elation the flush of success
[44] early bloom; freshness the flush of youth
[45] redness of the skin, esp of the face, as from the effects of a fever, alcohol, etc
[46] ecology an area of boggy land fed by ground water
[47] having a ruddy or heightened colour
[48] level or even with another surface
[49] directly adjacent; continuous
[50] informal having plenty of money
[51] informal abundant or plentiful, as money
[52] full of vigour
[53] full to the brim or to the point of overflowing
[54] printing having an even margin, right or left, with no indentations
[55] (of a blow) accurately delivered
[56] (of a vessel) having no superstructure built above the flat level of the deck
[57] so as to be level or even
[58] directly or squarely
[59] to cause (surfaces) to be on the same level or in the same plane
[60] to enrich the diet of (an ewe) during the breeding season
[61] a period of fresh growth of leaves, shoots, etc
[62] (tr) to rouse (game, wild creatures, etc) and put to flight
[63] (in poker and similar games) a hand containing only one suit
Words related to Flush
well-off, burn, suffuse, glow, drench, wash, cleanse, rinse, expel, even, square, level, smooth, plane, horizontal, true, full, liberal, affluent, lavish
Words nearby Flush
flurandrenolide, flurazepam, flurbiprofen, flurried, flurry, flush, flush girt, flush left, flush right, flush-decked, flushing
Origin of Flush
41520–30; compare French (obsolete) flus, variant of flux flow, flush (compare phrase run of cards) < Latin fluxus flux
Other words from Flush
flush·a·ble , adjective
flush·er , noun
flush·ing·ly , adverb
flush·ness , noun
flush·ness , noun
Word origin for Flush
C16: from Old French flus , from Latin fluxus flux
Synonyms for Flush
even, horizontal, level, plane, smooth, square, true, planate