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Showing words for FLYLEAF using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Flyleaf
6 Letter Words for Flyleaf
5 Letter Words for Flyleaf
afley, alley, elayl, fally, fella, felly, fleay, leafy
4 Letter Words for Flyleaf
affy, alef, ally, fall, feal, fell, flay, flea, fley, fyle, laff, leaf, leal, yaff, yale, yell
3 Letter Words for Flyleaf
aff, ale, alf, all, aly, aye, eff, efl, ela, elf, ell, eyl, fay, fey, ffa, fll, fly, lay, lea, ley, lye, yea
Definitions for Flyleaf
[1] a blank leaf in the front or the back of a book.
[2] the inner leaf of the endpaper of a book, pasted to the first leaf
Words nearby Flyleaf
flying tackle, flying tigers, flying wedge, flying wing, flying-spot, flyleaf, flyman, flynn, flyoff, flyover, flypaper
Origin of Flyleaf
1825–35; fly1 (noun, in combination: something fastened by the edge) + leaf