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Showing words for FLYOVER using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Flyover
6 Letter Words for Flyover
5 Letter Words for Flyover
4 Letter Words for Flyover
3 Letter Words for Flyover
Definitions for Flyover
[1] a formation of aircraft in flight for observation from the ground, especially a prearranged, low-altitude flight over a public gathering.
[2] a flight over a simulated target by a bomber or bombing planes.
[3] a flight over a specified area, as for viewing: We booked a one-hour flyover of the Grand Canyon.
[4] the action of passing or flying overhead: rumors of another UFO flyover.
[5] British . an overhead crossing, especially a highway overpass.
[6] Informal : Usually Disparaging . noting a state or region of the U.S. between the East and West Coasts that is not typically considered to be a tourist destination and is flown over during intercoastal flights: What do those hicks in flyover country know anyway?
[7] Also called: overpass British an intersection of two roads at which one is carried over the other by a bridge such a bridge
[8] the US name for fly-past
Words nearby Flyover
flying-spot, flyleaf, flyman, flynn, flyoff, flyover, flypaper, flypast, flyposting, flysch, flyscreen
Origin of Flyover
First recorded in 1900–05; noun and adjective use of verb phrase fly over