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Showing words for FLYWHEEL using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Flywheel
6 Letter Words for Flywheel
5 Letter Words for Flywheel
feely, felly, helly, hewel, welly, wheel
4 Letter Words for Flywheel
eely, elle, feel, fele, fell, flee, flew, fley, fyle, heel, hele, hell, hewe, hwyl, hyle, leef, weel, well, whee, whey, wyle, yeel, yell
3 Letter Words for Flywheel
eel, efl, ehf, elf, ell, ewe, eye, eyl, fee, feh, few, fey, fll, fly, fwy, hee, hel, hew, hey, hwy, hye, lee, lew, ley, lwl, lye, wee, wef, wey, whf, why, wye, yee, yeh, yew
Definitions for Flywheel
[1] a heavy disk or wheel rotating on a shaft so that its momentum gives almost uniform rotational speed to the shaft and to all connected machinery.
[2] a heavy wheel that stores kinetic energy and smooths the operation of a reciprocating engine by maintaining a constant speed of rotation over the whole cycle
Words related to Flywheel
Words nearby Flywheel
flyte, flytier, flytrap, flyway, flyweight, flywheel, flywhisk, flânerie, flâneur, flèche, flèches d'amour
Origin of Flywheel
First recorded in 1775–85; fly1 + wheel