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Showing words for FOGGY using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Foggy
4 Letter Words for Foggy
3 Letter Words for Foggy
Definitions for Foggy
[1] thick with or having much fog; misty: a foggy valley; a foggy spring day.
[2] covered or enveloped as if with fog: a foggy mirror.
[3] blurred or obscured as if by fog; not clear; vague: I haven't the foggiest notion of where she went.
[4] bewildered; perplexed.
[5] Photography . affected by fog.
[6] thick with fog
[7] obscure or confused
[8] another word for fogged
[9] not the foggiest , not the foggiest idea or not the foggiest notion no idea whatsoever I haven't the foggiest
Words related to Foggy
misty, soupy, murky, cloudy, fuzzy, vague, dark, dim, filmy, gray, indistinct, mushy, nebulous, unclear, vaporous, clouded, smoggy, vapory, blurred, zero-zero
Words nearby Foggy
foggage, fogged, fogger, foggia, fogging, foggy, foggy bottom, foghorn, fogram, fogy, foh
Origin of Foggy
1520–30; fog2 + -y1; orig. meaning marshy, thick, murky
Words that may be confused with Foggy
Other words from Foggy
fog·gi·ly , adverb
fog·gi·ness , noun
un·fog·gy , adjective
Synonyms for Foggy
cloudy, fuzzy, misty, murky, soupy, vague, blurred, ceiling zero, closed in, clouded, dark, dim, filmy, fogged in, gray, indistinct, mushy, nebulous, pea-soupy, smazy, smoggy, socked in, unclear, vaporous, vapory, zero-zero