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Showing words for FOLLOW using the English dictionary

6 Letter Words for Follow


5 Letter Words for Follow

wolof, woolf

4 Letter Words for Follow

flow, foll, fool, fowl, lolo, loof, wolf, woof, wool

3 Letter Words for Follow

fll, flo, fol, foo, fow, lof, loo, low, lwl, ofo, oof, owl, woo

Definitions for Follow

[1] to come after in sequence, order of time, etc.: The speech follows the dinner.
[2] to go or come after; move behind in the same direction: Drive ahead, and I'll follow you.
[3] to accept as a guide or leader; accept the authority of or give allegiance to: Many Germans followed Hitler.
[4] to conform to, comply with, or act in accordance with; obey: to follow orders; to follow advice.
[5] to imitate or copy; use as an exemplar: They follow the latest fads.
[6] to move forward along (a road, path, etc.): Follow this road for a mile.
[7] to come after as a result or consequence; result from: Reprisals often follow victory.
[8] to go after or along with (a person) as companion.
[9] to go in pursuit of: to follow an enemy.
[10] to try for or attain to: to follow an ideal.
[11] to engage in or be concerned with as a pursuit: He followed the sea as his true calling.
[12] to watch the movements, progress, or course of: to follow a bird in flight.
[13] to watch the development of or keep up with: to follow the news.
[14] to keep up with and understand (an argument, story, etc.): Do you follow me?
[15] to come next after something else in sequence, order of time, etc.
[16] to happen or occur after something else; come next as an event: After the defeat great disorder followed.
[17] to attend or serve.
[18] to go or come after a person or thing in motion.
[19] to result as an effect; occur as a consequence: It follows then that he must be innocent.
[20] the act of following.
[21] Billiards , Pool . follow shot(def 2) .
[22] follow-up(def 3) .
[23] follow out , to carry to a conclusion; execute: They followed out their orders to the letter.
[24] follow through , to carry out fully, as a stroke of a club in golf, a racket in tennis, etc. to continue an effort, plan, proposal, policy, etc., to its completion.
[25] follow up , to pursue closely and tenaciously. to increase the effectiveness of by further action or repetition. to pursue to a solution or conclusion.
[26] follow suit . suit(def 21) .
[27] to go or come after in the same direction he followed his friend home
[28] (tr) to accompany; attend she followed her sister everywhere
[29] to come after as a logical or natural consequence
[30] (tr) to keep to the course or track of she followed the towpath
[31] (tr) to act in accordance with; obey to follow instructions
[32] (tr) to accept the ideas or beliefs of (a previous authority, etc) he followed Donne in most of his teachings
[33] to understand (an explanation, argument, etc) the lesson was difficult to follow
[34] to watch closely or continuously she followed his progress carefully
[35] (tr) to have a keen interest in to follow athletics
[36] (tr) to help in the cause of or accept the leadership of the men who followed Napoleon
[37] (tr) to choose to receive messages posted by (a blogger or microblogger) I've been following her online
[38] (tr) rare to earn a living at or in to follow the Navy
[39] follow suit cards to play a card of the same suit as the card played immediately before it to do the same as someone else
[40] billiards snooker a forward spin imparted to a cue ball causing it to roll after the object ball a shot made in this way

Words related to Follow

pursue, track, seek, accompany, attend, serve, support, adopt, watch, keep, reflect, observe, see, accept, get, supervene, supersede, displace, replace, succeed

Words nearby Follow

folliculoma, folliculosis, folliculus, follis, follitropin, follow, follow along, follow in someone's footsteps, follow one's nose, follow out, follow shot

Origin of Follow

before 900; Middle English folwen, Old English folgian; cognate with Old Saxon folgon, Old High German folgēn, folgōn (German folgen )

Other words from Follow

fol·low·a·ble , adjective
un·fol·low·a·ble , adjective
un·fol·lowed , adjective
well-fol·lowed , adjective

Word origin for Follow

Old English folgian ; related to Old Frisian folgia , Old Saxon folgōn , Old High German folgēn

Synonyms for Follow

pursue, chase, displace, ensue, postdate, replace, result, succeed, supersede, supervene, supplant, be subsequent to, come after, come from, come next, go after, go next, proceed from, spring from