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Showing words for FORECAST using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Forecast

cofaster, forecast

7 Letter Words for Forecast

certosa, coaster, coaters, creasot, factors, forcats, foreact, recoast, recoats

6 Letter Words for Forecast

acrose, actors, afters, arcose, astore, atroce, carest, carets, cartes, caster, castor, castro, caters, coarse, coater, coates, corset, cortes, coseat, costar, coster, crafts, crates, crofts, croset, escort, facers, facets, factor, farces, faroes, farset, fascet, faster, feasor, fetors, forcat, forces, forcet, forest, forset, fortes, foster, fracts, frasco, fresco, fstore, oaters, orates, ostrca, ostrea, reacts, recast, recoat, recost, rectos, roates, rosace, scarfe, scoter, scrota, sector, softer, strafe, tarocs, traces

5 Letter Words for Forecast

acers, acost, acres, actor, actos, afore, afret, afros, after, arces, arest, arets, arose, ascot, aster, astor, astre, atocs, cafes, cares, caret, carot, carse, carte, carts, caser, caste, cater, cates, catso, ceras, cerat, ceros, certs, cesar, cesta, coart, coast, coate, coats, cores, corse, corta, coset, costa, coste, cotes, craft, crate, crest, creta, croat, croft, crosa, crose, crost, earst, ecart, erato, escar, escot, estoc, estro, facer, faces, facet, facto, facts, farce, fares, faros, farse, farts, fates, fator, fatso, fears, feast, feats, festa, fetas, fetor, force, fores, foret, forte, forts, fract, frase, frate, frats, frets, froes, frost, oater, ocrea, octas, ofter, orate, orcas, orfes, oscar, races, rafts, rates, ratos, react, reast, recto, resat, roast, roate, rocta, roset, rotas, rotes, sacre, sacro, safer, scare, scarf, scart, sceat, score, scote, scrae, scrat, seora, serac, serta, soare, sofar, sofer, softa, sorta, stare, stear, stero, stoae, store, strae, taces, tacos, tacso, tares, taroc, taros, tarse, tasco, taser, tears, teras, terfs, toeas, torcs, tores, torse, tosca, trace, treas, trefa, troca

4 Letter Words for Forecast

acer, aces, acor, acre, acts, aero, afer, afro, arco, arcs, ares, aret, arfs, arte, arts, asor, astr, atef, ates, atoc, cafe, care, carf, cars, cart, case, cast, cate, cats, ceas, cera, cero, cert, cest, coat, coef, coes, coft, cora, core, corf, cors, cort, cose, cost, cote, cots, cres, crts, ears, east, eats, ecto, efts, eras, erat, eros, erst, esca, etas, face, fact, fare, faro, fars, fart, fasc, fast, fate, fats, fear, feat, fers, fest, feta, fets, foes, fore, fort, fots, frae, fras, frat, fret, froe, fros, frot, oafs, oars, oast, oats, ocas, octa, orae, oras, orca, orcs, ores, orfe, orfs, orts, osar, race, raft, rast, rate, rato, rats, recs, rect, refs, reft, rest, rets, rocs, roes, rosa, rose, rost, rota, rotc, rote, rots, saco, safe, saft, sare, sart, sate, scar, scat, scet, scot, sear, seat, seco, sect, seor, serf, sero, sert, seta, soar, soca, soce, sofa, soft, sora, sore, sort, srac, star, ster, stoa, stof, stor, stra, stre, tace, taco, taos, tare, taro, tars, tear, teas, teca, tefs, tera, terf, tocs, toea, toes, torc, tore, tors, tosa, tose, trac, tres

3 Letter Words for Forecast

ace, act, aer, aes, aft, aor, arc, are, arf, ars, art, ase, ast, ate, caf, car, cat, ceo, cer, cfs, cor, cos, cot, cro, crs, crt, cst, cte, ctf, cto, ctr, cts, ear, eas, eat, eco, ect, efs, eft, eof, eos, era, erf, ers, ert, esc, esr, est, eta, etc, fac, fao, far, fas, fat, fcs, fec, fer, fes, fet, foe, for, fot, fra, fro, frs, frt, oaf, oar, oas, oat, oca, oct, oer, oes, oft, ora, orc, ore, orf, ors, ort, ose, otc, raf, ras, rat, rct, rea, rec, ref, res, rfs, roc, roe, ros, rot, rte, sac, sao, sar, sat, scf, scr, sct, sea, sec, ser, set, soc, sot, sta, str, tao, tar, tas, tea, tec, tef, ter, tes, tfr, toa, toc, toe, tor, tos, tra, trf, trs

Definitions for Forecast

[1] to predict (a future condition or occurrence); calculate in advance: to forecast a heavy snowfall; to forecast lower interest rates.
[2] to serve as a prediction of; foreshadow.
[3] to contrive or plan beforehand; prearrange.
[4] to conjecture beforehand; make a prediction.
[5] to plan or arrange beforehand.
[6] a prediction, especially as to the weather.
[7] a conjecture as to something in the future.
[8] the act, practice, or faculty of forecasting.
[9] Archaic . foresight in planning.
[10] to predict or calculate (weather, events, etc), in advance
[11] (tr) to serve as an early indication of
[12] (tr) to plan in advance
[13] a statement of probable future weather conditions calculated from meteorological data
[14] a prophecy or prediction
[15] the practice or power of forecasting

Words related to Forecast

outlook, projection, calculation, budget, prognosis, estimate, foresee, calculate, conclude, anticipate, portend, foretell, gauge, determine, augur, foreknowledge, conjecture, anticipation, precognition, augury

Words nearby Forecast

forebode, foreboding, forebody, forebrain, forecaddie, forecast, forecastle, forecastle deck, forecastle head, forechoir, forecited

Origin of Forecast

1350–1400; Middle English (noun) plan. See fore-, cast

Other words from Forecast

fore·cast·a·ble , adjective
fore·cast·er , noun
re·fore·cast , verb (used with object), re·fore·cast or re·fore·cast·ed, re·fore·cast·ing.
un·fore·cast , adjective
un·fore·cast·ed , adjective

Synonyms for Forecast

budget, calculation, estimate, outlook, prognosis, projection, anticipation, augury, cast, conjecture, divination, foreknowledge, foreseeing, foresight, foretelling, forethought, foretoken, guess, planning, precognition, prescience, prevision, prognostication, prophecy