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Showing words for FOREFATHER using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Forefather
9 Letter Words for Forefather
8 Letter Words for Forefather
affeeror, ferforth, forehear, therefor
7 Letter Words for Forefather
farther, feather, feretra, feroher, ferrate, ferther, forfare, forfear, frother, offerer, reoffer, terefah, thereof, troffer
6 Letter Words for Forefather
aether, affeer, affret, afreet, afrete, effare, effate, effort, etoffe, farfet, father, fearer, feater, ferfet, ferret, ferter, forfar, fother, frater, freath, haffet, hafter, hearer, heater, hefter, hereat, hereof, herero, hereto, hetero, raffee, rafter, ratero, rather, rehear, reheat, rerate, retare, retear, rether, retore, rhetor, rother, tearer, teeoff, terefa, toffee, trefah
5 Letter Words for Forefather
afore, afret, after, arere, arete, arret, arter, earth, eater, eathe, effet, erato, ether, farer, farth, fator, feare, ferer, ferth, fetor, fhrer, fohat, foret, forra, forte, forth, frare, frate, freer, freet, frere, frore, froth, harre, hater, heare, heart, hefte, heroe, oater, offer, ofter, ohare, orate, other, raffe, rater, rathe, reate, refer, reffo, rehoe, retar, rethe, retro, rfree, roate, roter, tarre, terfe, terra, terre, tharf, theer, theor, there, thore, thrae, three, throe, toher, trefa
4 Letter Words for Forefather
aero, afer, afft, afro, aret, arte, atef, eath, erat, erer, erth, ethe, fahr, fare, faro, fart, fate, fath, fear, feat, feer, feet, ferr, feta, fete, fore, fort, frae, frat, free, fret, froe, frot, haff, haft, hare, haro, harr, hart, hate, heaf, hear, heat, heer, heft, hera, here, hero, herr, hert, hete, hoar, hoer, hora, hore, hort, hote, oath, orae, orfe, orra, orth, raff, raft, rare, rate, rath, rato, rear, reef, reet, refr, reft, rete, rhea, rheo, rhet, roar, roer, rort, rota, rote, tahr, tare, taro, tarr, tear, teer, teff, tehr, tera, terf, terr, thae, thar, thea, thee, thof, thor, thro, toea, toff, tore, torr, trah, tree
3 Letter Words for Forefather
aer, aff, aft, aho, aor, are, arf, arr, art, ate, ear, eat, eer, eff, eft, ehf, eof, era, ere, erf, err, ert, eta, eth, fah, fao, far, fat, fee, feh, fer, fet, ffa, fha, foe, foh, for, fot, fra, fro, frt, fth, hae, haf, hao, hat, hee, heo, her, het, hoa, hoe, hor, hot, oaf, oar, oat, oer, off, oft, ora, ore, orf, ort, raf, rah, rat, rea, ree, ref, reh, rha, rhe, rho, roe, rot, rte, tao, tar, tea, tee, tef, ter, tfr, tha, the, tho, toa, toe, tor, tra, trf
Definitions for Forefather
[1] an ancestor.
[2] an ancestor, esp a male
Words related to Forefather
predecessor, antecedent, ascendant, precursor, patriarch, progenitor, primogenitor, procreator
Words nearby Forefather
foredeep, foredo, foredone, foredoom, foreface, forefather, forefathers' day, forefeel, forefend, forefinger, forefoot
Origin of Forefather
First recorded in 1250–1300, forefather is from the Middle English word forefader. See fore-, father
Other words from Forefather
fore·fa·ther·ly , adjective
Synonyms for Forefather
antecedent, ascendant, patriarch, precursor, predecessor, primogenitor, progenitor, forebearer, procreator