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Showing words for FORTUNE using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Fortune


6 Letter Words for Fortune

enfort, entour, founte, fouter, refont, tourne, turfen, unfret

5 Letter Words for Fortune

enrut, fetor, foret, forte, fouer, fouet, fount, foute, freon, front, fuero, futon, noter, often, ofter, outen, outer, outre, ronte, rouen, route, tenor, toner, tourn, trone, troue, tuner, urent, utero

4 Letter Words for Fortune

ento, entr, enuf, eton, euro, fent, fern, feru, foen, fone, font, fore, fort, foun, four, fren, fret, froe, frot, funt, furn, furo, fute, neut, nore, note, nout, oner, orfe, ourn, outr, reft, reno, rent, rone, ront, rote, roue, roun, rout, ruen, rune, runt, terf, tern, tofu, tone, tore, torn, toru, toun, tour, tron, true, trun, tune, tuno, turf, turn, ufer, unto

3 Letter Words for Fortune

eft, eof, eon, erf, ern, ert, fen, fer, fet, feu, foe, fon, for, fot, fou, fro, frt, fun, fur, fut, nef, neo, net, nor, not, nur, nut, oer, oft, one, ont, ore, orf, ort, ouf, our, out, ref, roe, ron, rot, rte, rue, run, rut, tef, ten, ter, tfr, toe, ton, tor, tou, trf, tue, tun, tur, ufo, ure, urf, urn, ute

Definitions for Fortune

[1] position in life as determined by wealth: to make one's fortune.
[2] wealth or riches: to lose a small fortune in bad investments.
[3] great wealth; ample stock of money, property, and the like: to be worth a fortune.
[4] chance; luck: They each had the bad fortune to marry the wrong person.
[5] fortunes. things that happen or are to happen to a person in his or her life.
[6] fate; lot; destiny: whatever my fortune may be.
[7] (initial capital letter ) chance personified, commonly regarded as a mythical being distributing arbitrarily or capriciously the lots of life: Perhaps Fortune will smile on our venture.
[8] good luck; success; prosperity: a family blessed by fortune.
[9] Archaic . a wealthy woman; an heiress.
[10] Archaic . to endow (someone or something) with a fortune.
[11] Archaic . to chance or happen; come by chance.
[12] tell someone's fortune , to profess to inform someone of future events in his or her own life; foretell.
[13] an amount of wealth or material prosperity, esp, when unqualified, a great amount
[14] small fortune a large sum of money
[15] a power or force, often personalized, regarded as being responsible for human affairs; chance
[16] luck, esp when favourable
[17] (often plural) a person's lot or destiny
[18] archaic (tr) to endow with great wealth (intr) to happen by chance

Words related to Fortune

prosperity, substance, estate, inheritance, treasure, riches, opulence, portion, capital, property, affluence, worth, resources, fortuity, destiny, kismet, providence, life, star, expectation

Words nearby Fortune

fortuitous, fortuity, fortuna, fortunate, fortunately, fortune, fortune cookie, fortune five hundred, fortune hunter, fortune-hunter, fortune-teller

Origin of Fortune

1250–1300; Middle English < Old French < Latin fortūna chance, luck, fortune, derivative of fort- (stem of fors ) chance

Other words from Fortune

for·tune·less , adjective

Word origin for Fortune

C13: from Old French, from Latin fortūna , from fors chance

Synonyms for Fortune

affluence, capital, estate, inheritance, opulence, portion, property, prosperity, resources, riches, substance, treasure, worth, gold mine