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Showing words for FOUNDATIONAL using the English dictionary

12 Letter Words for Foundational


10 Letter Words for Foundational

foundation, nodulation

9 Letter Words for Foundational

adulation, adunation, annuloida, anodontia, antinodal, daltonian, infantado, laudation

8 Letter Words for Foundational

adnation, adonitol, annuloid, anodonta, autodial, autoload, donation, flautino, fontinal, fountain, infaunal, latonian, laudanin, loadinfo, lunation, nataloin, national, nidulant, nodation, nonadult, nonfatal, nonfluid, nontidal, notional, nudation, ultonian, unafloat, uninodal

7 Letter Words for Foundational

aflaunt, ailanto, alantin, alation, alfiona, alinota, alodian, anolian, antiflu, antlion, antonio, dainful, daunton, donatio, fainant, falutin, fantail, fatuoid, finland, flandan, flutina, foldout, fondant, fontina, indulto, infanta, infauna, inflood, infound, laotian, laudian, nanduti, noonlit, notalia, notanda, oatland, odonata, oltunna, outfind, outfold, outlaid, outlain, outland, tailfan, talonid, tannoid, tindalo, toluido, tondino, tunland, unfaint, untidal

6 Letter Words for Foundational

adaunt, adital, adnoun, adonai, adonin, afaint, afloat, aidant, aidful, alanin, alanui, alaund, alaunt, alnuin, alodia, altoun, anilao, anilau, anlaut, annual, annuli, anodal, anodon, anoint, anonad, anonol, anotia, antido, antlia, aonian, atloid, atonal, atonia, audial, audion, aufait, dalton, danton, dation, dfault, dinful, dolina, donnat, donnot, doolfu, douala, dualin, dufoil, dunlin, fanion, fanout, fantad, fantan, fantod, faunal, fiaunt, findal, findon, flaunt, flauta, flauto, foliot, fondon, fontal, fulani, fulton, fundal, idolon, indult, induna, infand, infant, infula, infund, inland, inlaut, ladino, landau, latian, latina, latino, lation, latona, latoun, ldinfo, loanin, london, lotion, luanda, ludian, lunata, lunoid, naiant, nalfon, nandoo, nanoid, nantua, nation, nidana, nintoo, noduli, nolina, nonaid, nonfat, notion, nounal, oilnut, onlaid, onload, ooidal, talion, tandan, tannia, tannid, tanoan, taulia, tindal, tinful, toluid, tonada, tufoli, tuladi, ultion, unfain, unflat, unfold, unfond, unfool, unital, unlaid, unland, unload, unnail, untold

5 Letter Words for Foundational

adati, adion, adolf, adult, afald, aflat, afoot, afoul, aland, alani, alant, alfin, aloft, aloid, aloin, aloof, aloud, alout, altin, altun, aluta, andia, anion, anlia, annal, annat, annot, annul, anoia, anoil, anoli, antal, aouad, audio, audit, auloi, dafla, daint, dalai, dalan, danio, danli, danta, datal, datil, dault, daunt, diana, dioon, diota, dital, doilt, doina, dolia, donat, donna, dooli, doona, dotal, doula, duali, duant, dulia, dunal, dunno, faint, falda, falun, fanal, fanin, fanit, fanon, fatal, fatil, fauld, fault, fauna, fiant, filao, final, flain, flint, fload, float, floit, flood, flota, flout, fluid, folia, folio, fonda, fotui, fouat, found, fount, fundi, funli, futon, idant, idola, indan, indol, intnl, inula, iodal, iodol, ladin, lanai, latin, laton, lauan, laudo, lauia, laund, liana, linda, lindo, linon, lotan, lound, lunda, naiad, nandi, nandu, natal, naunt, niata, nidal, nilot, nintu, ninut, niota, niton, nodal, noint, nonda, nondo, notal, notan, nould, oadal, olona, onion, ontal, ootid, outdo, tafia, taino, talao, talio, talon, tanan, tania, tanna, tanoa, taula, tauld, tauon, tidal, tolan, toldo, tonal, tondi, tondo, toona, tould, tufan, tuina, tunal, tunna, uinal, ulnad, uloid, undon, unfit, uniat, union, unlid, unlit, unoil, unold, until, untin

4 Letter Words for Foundational

adat, adit, adon, aina, aint, ainu, aion, aitu, alai, alan, alfa, alia, alif, alin, alod, alto, anal, anan, anat, anda, anil, anna, anni, anno, anoa, anon, anta, anti, antu, aoli, aona, atli, atua, aula, aunt, auto, daal, daft, dail, dain, dalf, dali, dalo, dalt, dana, dant, danu, data, dato, daun, daut, dial, dian, dilo, dino, dint, diol, dita, doat, doit, dola, dolf, doli, dolt, dona, doni, dont, dool, doon, doua, dout, dual, duan, duit, dult, dunt, fado, fail, fain, fait, fala, fana, fand, fano, fant, faon, faun, faut, fiat, fido, fila, filo, filt, find, finn, fino, flan, flat, flit, flon, flot, foal, foid, foil, foin, fold, fond, fono, font, food, fool, foon, foot, foud, foul, foun, fula, fund, funt, idol, idun, ilot, indn, infl, info, inta, intl, into, iodo, iota, ital, laft, laid, lain, lait, lana, land, lant, lata, lati, laud, lauf, laun, lido, lifo, lift, lina, lind, linn, lino, lint, lion, litu, load, loaf, loan, loft, loid, loin, lond, lood, loof, loon, loot, lota, loti, loto, loud, loun, lout, ludo, luit, luna, lund, lunn, lunt, naan, nada, naid, naif, nail, nain, naio, nala, nana, nant, naoi, natl, nato, natu, naut, nina, nito, nodi, noil, nold, nolo, nolt, nona, noon, nota, noul, noun, nout, nuda, odal, odin, oint, olid, olio, onto, ooid, oont, ould, outa, taal, tail, tain, tala, tald, tali, tana, taun, tiao, tind, toad, toda, tofu, toil, tola, told, tolu, tonn, tool, toon, toun, tuan, tufa, tula, tuna, tund, tuno, udal, udon, ulan, ulna, ulta, ulto, unai, unal, unda, undo, unio, unit, unta, unto, utai, util

3 Letter Words for Foundational

aal, ado, afd, aft, aia, aid, ail, ain, ait, ala, ald, alf, aln, alo, alt, ana, and, ann, ant, anu, aud, auf, aul, dal, dan, dao, dat, dau, dft, dia, dif, dil, din, dit, dna, doa, dol, don, doo, dot, dui, dun, duo, fad, fan, fao, fat, fid, fil, fin, fit, fld, flo, flt, flu, fod, fol, fon, foo, fot, fou, fud, fun, fut, iaa, iao, ida, ido, ilo, ind, inf, inn, int, iof, ion, iou, ita, itd, iud, laa, lad, lai, lan, lao, lat, lid, lif, lin, lit, loa, lod, lof, loo, lot, ltd, lud, luo, lut, naa, nad, naf, nat, nid, nil, nit, noa, nod, nol, non, noo, not, nul, nun, nut, oad, oaf, oat, oda, ofo, oft, oil, ola, old, ona, oni, ono, ont, oof, oon, oot, oto, oud, ouf, oui, out, taa, tad, tai, tal, tan, tao, tau, tid, til, tin, tiu, tln, tlo, toa, tod, toi, tol, ton, too, tou, tua, tui, tun, udo, ufa, ufo, uit, ula, ult, una, uni, unl, unn, uta, uti

Definitions for Foundational

[1] the basis or groundwork of anything: the moral foundation of both society and religion.
[2] the natural or prepared ground or base on which some structure rests.
[3] the lowest division of a building, wall, or the like, usually of masonry and partly or wholly below the surface of the ground.
[4] the act of founding, setting up, establishing, etc.: a policy in effect since the foundation.
[5] the state of being founded.
[6] an institution financed by a donation or legacy to aid research, education, the arts, etc.: the Ford Foundation.
[7] an endowment for such an institution.
[8] a cosmetic, as a cream or liquid, used as a base for facial makeup.
[9] foundation garment.
[10] Solitaire . a card of given denomination on which other cards are to be added according to denomination or suit.
[11] that on which something is founded; basis
[12] (often plural) a construction below the ground that distributes the load of a building, wall, etc
[13] the base on which something stands
[14] the act of founding or establishing or the state of being founded or established
[15] an endowment or legacy for the perpetual support of an institution such as a school or hospital on the foundation entitled to benefit from the funds of a foundation
[16] an institution supported by an endowment, often one that provides funds for charities, research, etc
[17] the charter incorporating or establishing a society or institution and the statutes or rules governing its affairs
[18] a cosmetic in cream or cake form used as a base for make-up
[19] See foundation garment
[20] cards a card on which a sequence may be built

Words related to Foundational

foundationprofound, underlying, rudimentary, straightforward, elemental, fundamental, major, paramount, integral, crucial, indispensable, constitutional, theoretical, necessary, vital, significant, radical, elementary, central, principal

Words nearby Foundational

foundationfoumart, found, found art, found object, found poem, foundation, foundation day, foundation garment, foundation stone, foundation subjects, founder

Origin of Foundational

1350–1400; Middle English foundacioun < Latin fundātiōn- (stem of fundātiō ), equivalent to fundāt(us ) (past participle of fundāre; see found2) + -iōn- -ion

Other words from Foundational

foun·da·tion·al , adjective
foun·da·tion·al·ly , adverb
foun·da·tion·ar·y , adjective
pre·foun·da·tion , noun

Synonyms for Foundational

basal, beginning, bottom, central, elemental, elementary, essential, first, introductory, meat-and-potatoes, original, primitive, principal, radical, rudimentary, simple, three R's, ultimate, underivative, underived, underlying