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Showing words for FOUNT using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Fount

fount, futon

4 Letter Words for Fount

font, foun, funt, nout, tofu, toun, tuno, unto

3 Letter Words for Fount

fon, fot, fou, fun, fut, not, nut, oft, ont, ouf, out, ton, tou, tun, ufo

Definitions for Fount

[1] a spring of water; fountain.
[2] a source or origin: a fount of inspiration to his congregation.
[3] font2.
[4] poetic a spring or fountain
[5] source or origin
[6] printing another word for font 2

Words related to Fount

wellspring, beginning, derivation, spring, provenance, well, mine, source, fountain, provenience, root, fountainhead

Words nearby Fount

foundrous, foundry, foundry proof, foundry sand, foundry type, fount, fountain, fountain decussation, fountain grass, fountain of youth, fountain pen

Origin of Fount

1First recorded in 1585–95; short for fountain

Word origin for Fount

C16: from Old French fonte a founding, casting, from Vulgar Latin funditus (unattested) a casting, from Latin fundere to melt; see found ³

Synonyms for Fount

wellspring, beginning, derivation, fountain, fountainhead, mine, provenance, provenience, root, source, spring, well