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Showing words for FRIED using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Fried
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Definitions for Fried
[1] cooked in a pan or on a griddle over direct heat, usually in fat or oil.
[2] Slang . drunk; inebriated. intoxicated from drugs; high. exhausted or incapacitated through intemperance; burned-out.
[3] simple past tense and past participle of fry1.
[4] Al·fred Her·mann [al -frid hur -muh n; German ahl -fr eyt her -mahn] /ˈæl frɪd ˈhɜr mən; German ˈɑl freɪt ˈhɛr mɑn/ , 1864–1921, Austrian writer and journalist: Nobel Peace Prize 1911.
[5] to cook in a pan or on a griddle over direct heat, usually in fat or oil.
[6] Slang . to execute by electrocution in an electric chair.
[7] to undergo cooking in fat or oil.
[8] Slang . to die by electrocution in an electric chair.
[9] a dish of something fried.
[10] a piece of french-fried potato.
[11] a party or gathering at which the chief food is fried, frequently outdoors: a fish fry.
[12] the past tense and past participle of fry 1
[13] Christopher . 1907–2005, English dramatist; author of the verse dramas A Phoenix Too Frequent (1946), The Lady's Not For Burning (1948), and Venus Observed (1950)
[14] Elizabeth . 1780–1845, English prison reformer and Quaker
[15] Roger Eliot . 1866–1934, English art critic and painter who helped to introduce the postimpressionists to Britain. His books include Vision and Design (1920) and Cézanne (1927)
[16] Stephen (John ). born 1957, British writer, actor, and comedian; his novels include The Liar (1991) and The Stars' Tennis Balls (2000)
[17] (when tr, sometimes foll by up ) to cook or be cooked in fat, oil, etc, usually over direct heat
[18] (intr) informal to be excessively hot
[19] slang , mainly US to kill or be killed by electrocution, esp in the electric chair
[20] a dish of something fried, esp the offal of a specified animal pig's fry
[21] US and Canadian a social occasion, often outdoors, at which the chief food is fried
[22] British informal the act of preparing a mixed fried dish or the dish itself
[23] the young of various species of fish
[24] the young of certain other animals, such as frogs
[25] young children See also small fry
Words related to Fried
sauteed, stir-fried
Words nearby Fried
friday, fridays, fridge, fridley, fridtjof nansen land, fried, frieda, friedan, friedan, betty, friedcake, friedel-crafts reaction
Origin of Fried
y11250–1300; 1925–30 for def 2 ; Middle English frien < Anglo-French, Old French frire < Latin frīgere to fry
Words that may be confused with Fried
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, fryfriable, fryable
Other words from Fried
un·fried , adjective
fry·a·ble , adjective
Word origin for Fried
yC14 (in the sense: young, offspring): perhaps via Norman French from Old French freier to spawn, rub, from Latin fricāre to rub