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Showing words for FRIENDS using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Friends

finders, friends, redfins, refinds

6 Letter Words for Friends

diners, disfen, fiends, finder, finers, friend, infers, redfin, refind, rinsed, sinder, snider

5 Letter Words for Friends

defis, derns, diner, dines, dries, fends, fenis, ferns, fides, fiend, finds, fined, finer, fines, fired, fires, firns, frden, fried, fries, indef, infer, neifs, nerds, nides, niefs, nifes, reifs, reins, rends, resid, resin, riden, rides, rinds, rines, rinse, risen, sdein, serif, serin, sider, sined, sired, siren, snide

4 Letter Words for Friends

defi, defs, deis, deni, dens, derf, dern, desi, dier, dies, difs, dine, dins, dire, drie, dsri, ends, erin, eris, erns, fedn, feds, feis, fend, feni, fens, ferd, fern, fers, fide, fids, fied, fier, fies, find, fine, fins, fire, firn, firs, fise, fren, fris, ides, inde, ired, ires, isdn, ised, neds, nefs, neif, nerd, nide, nids, nied, nief, nies, nife, reds, refs, reif, rein, rend, ride, rids, ries, rife, rifs, rind, rine, rins, rise, seif, seir, send, serf, side, sien, sier, sife, sind, sine, sire, sned

3 Letter Words for Friends

def, dei, den, der, des, die, dif, din, dir, dis, dsr, eds, efs, eir, end, ens, erd, erf, ern, ers, esd, esr, fdr, fed, fei, fen, fer, fes, fid, fie, fin, fir, fri, frs, ide, ids, ife, ifs, ind, inf, ins, ire, irs, ise, isn, ned, nef, nei, nid, nie, nis, red, ref, rei, res, rfs, rid, rie, rif, rin, rnd, sed, sei, sen, ser, sie, sif, sin, sir, sri

Definitions for Friends

[1] a person attached to another by feelings of affection or personal regard.
[2] a person who gives assistance; patron; supporter friends of the Boston Symphony.
[3] a person who is on good terms with another; a person who is not hostile: Who goes there? Friend or foe?
[4] a member of the same nation, party, etc.
[5] (initial capital letter ) a member of the Society of Friends; a Quaker.
[6] a person associated with another as a contact on a social media website: We've never met, but we're Facebook friends.
[7] Rare . to befriend.
[8] to add (a person) to one's list of contacts on a social media website: I just friended a couple of guys in my class.
[9] make friends with , to enter into friendly relations with; become a friend to.
[10] a member of the Religious Society of Friends; Quaker
[11] trademark mountaineering a device consisting of a shaft with double-headed spring-loaded cams that can be wedged in a crack to provide an anchor point
[12] a person known well to another and regarded with liking, affection, and loyalty; an intimate
[13] an acquaintance or associate
[14] an ally in a fight or cause; supporter
[15] a fellow member of a party, society, etc
[16] a patron or supporter a friend of the opera
[17] be friends to be friendly (with)
[18] make friends to become friendly (with)
[19] (tr) an archaic word for befriend

Words related to Friends

friendabandoned, adrift, alienated, alone, deserted, forlorn, forsaken, isolated, lonely, lonesome, solitary, unattached, estranged, marooned, shunned

Words nearby Friends

friendfriedreich's ataxia, friedreich's disease, friedreich's sign, friedrich, friedrichshafen, friend, friend at court, friend in court, friend of dorothy, friend of the court, friend with benefits

Origin of Friends

First recorded before 900; Middle English friend, frend, Old English frēond “friend, lover, relative” (cognate with Old Saxon friund, Old High German friunt (German Freund ), Gothic frijōnds ), originally the present participle of frēogan, cognate with Gothic frijōn “to love”

Other words from Friends

friend·less , adjective
friend·less·ness , noun
non·friend , noun

Word origin for Friends

Old English frēond ; related to Old Saxon friund , Old Norse frǣndi , Gothic frijōnds , Old High German friunt

Synonyms for Friends

acquaintance, ally, associate, buddy, classmate, colleague, companion, cousin, partner, roommate, chum, cohort, compatriot, comrade, consort, crony, familiar, intimate, mate, pal, playmate, schoolmate, sidekick, spare, well-wisher, alter ego, bosom buddy, soul mate