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Showing words for FROLIC using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Frolic
5 Letter Words for Frolic
4 Letter Words for Frolic
3 Letter Words for Frolic
Definitions for Frolic
[1] merry play; merriment; gaiety; fun.
[2] a merrymaking or party.
[3] playful behavior or action; prank.
[4] to gambol merrily; to play in a frisky, light-spirited manner; romp: The children were frolicking in the snow.
[5] to have fun; engage in merrymaking; play merry pranks.
[6] merry; full of fun.
[7] a light-hearted entertainment or occasion
[8] light-hearted activity; gaiety; merriment
[9] (intr) to caper about; act or behave playfully
[10] archaic , or literary full of merriment or fun
Words related to Frolic
cavort, gambol, play, drollery, romp, gaiety, joke, joviality, merriment, trick, fun, game, escapade, antic, lark, shenanigan, sport, tomfoolery, spree, prank
Words nearby Frolic
frogspawn, frogstool, frohman, froideur, froissart, frolic, frolicsome, from, from bad to worse, from first to last, from hand to hand
Origin of Frolic
1530–40; < Dutch vrolijk joyful (cognate with German fröhlich ), equivalent to vro glad + -lijk -ly
Other words from Frolic
frol·ick·er , noun
Word origin for Frolic
C16: from Dutch vrolijk , from Middle Dutch vro happy, glad; related to Old High German frō happy
Synonyms for Frolic
antic, drollery, escapade, fun, gaiety, gambol, game, joke, joviality, lark, merriment, play, prank, romp, shenanigan, skylarking, sport, spree, tomfoolery, trick, fun and games, high jinks, monkeyshines