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Showing words for FRONTAGE using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Frontage


7 Letter Words for Frontage

aftergo, engraft, fagoter, negator, tronage

6 Letter Words for Frontage

afront, agrote, argent, atoner, enfort, fanger, fangot, forage, forane, forgat, forget, garnet, garten, geront, granet, grenat, groten, norate, onager, orange, orante, orgeat, ornate, refont, rotang, tanger, tangor, toerag, tonger

5 Letter Words for Frontage

aeron, afore, afret, after, agent, agone, agron, anger, angor, antre, areng, arent, argon, argot, atone, atren, erato, ergon, ergot, etang, etrog, fager, fagot, fango, fargo, fator, fetor, foret, forge, forte, frate, frena, freon, front, ganef, ganof, garon, gater, gator, genoa, genro, gofer, gonef, goner, goran, goter, gotra, graft, grane, grano, grant, grate, great, greta, groan, groat, grone, gront, grote, nagor, negro, noreg, norge, noter, oaten, oater, often, ofter, orage, orang, orant, orate, organ, range, refan, regna, renga, retag, retan, roate, rogan, ronte, rotan, rotge, tango, targe, tenga, tenor, terga, terna, toner, tonga, toran, trefa, trona, trone

4 Letter Words for Frontage

aero, afer, afro, agen, ager, aget, agon, anet, ango, anre, ante, areg, aren, aret, argo, arno, arte, atef, earn, engr, ento, entr, eoan, erat, ergo, etna, eton, fage, fane, fang, fano, fant, faon, fare, faro, fart, fate, fear, feat, fent, fern, feta, foen, foge, fone, font, fore, fort, frae, frag, frat, fren, fret, froe, frog, frot, gaen, gaet, gane, gant, gare, garn, gart, gate, gean, gear, geat, gena, gent, geta, gnar, gnat, goaf, goar, goat, goen, goer, gone, gora, gore, gote, graf, gran, grat, gren, gret, grot, nare, nato, natr, neaf, near, neat, nore, nota, note, ogre, oner, orae, oran, orfe, orna, raft, rage, rane, rang, rant, rate, rato, rean, reft, rego, regt, reno, rent, rgen, roan, rone, rong, ront, rota, rote, taen, tane, tang, tare, tarn, taro, tean, tear, tega, teng, tera, terf, tern, toea, toga, toge, tone, tong, tore, torn, trag, trna, trog, tron

3 Letter Words for Frontage

aer, aft, age, ago, agr, agt, ane, ant, aor, are, arf, arg, arn, art, ate, ean, ear, eat, eft, ego, eng, eof, eon, era, erf, erg, ern, ert, eta, fag, fan, fao, far, fat, fen, fer, fet, fgn, foe, fog, fon, for, fot, fra, frg, fro, frt, gan, gar, gat, gen, geo, ger, get, goa, gon, gor, got, gra, grf, gro, gte, nae, naf, nag, nar, nat, nea, nef, neg, neo, net, noa, nog, nor, not, oaf, oar, oat, oer, oft, ona, one, ont, ora, ore, orf, org, ort, raf, rag, ran, rat, rea, ref, reg, rna, roe, rog, ron, rot, rte, tag, tan, tao, tar, tea, tef, teg, ten, ter, tfr, tgn, tng, toa, toe, tog, ton, tor, tra, trf

Definitions for Frontage

[1] the front of a building or lot.
[2] the lineal extent of this front: a frontage of 200 feet.
[3] the direction it faces: The house has an ocean frontage.
[4] land abutting on a river, street, etc.: He was willing to pay the higher cost of a lake frontage.
[5] the land between a building and the street, a body of water, etc.: He complained that the new sidewalk would decrease his frontage.
[6] the façade of a building or the front of a plot of ground
[7] the extent of the front of a shop, plot of land, etc, esp along a street, river, etc
[8] the direction in which a building faces a frontage on the river

Words related to Frontage

front, frontal, frontispiece, face

Words nearby Frontage

front-page, front-rank, front-wheel drive, front., frontad, frontage, frontage road, frontal, frontal area, frontal artery, frontal axis

Origin of Frontage

First recorded in 1615–25; front + -age

Synonyms for Frontage

face, front, frontal, frontispiece, building front, front view