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Showing words for FROUFROU using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Froufrou
6 Letter Words for Froufrou
5 Letter Words for Froufrou
4 Letter Words for Froufrou
3 Letter Words for Froufrou
Definitions for Froufrou
[1] elaborate decoration, as frills, ribbons, or ruffles, especially on women's clothing.
[2] a rustling, particularly the rustling of silk, as in a woman's dress.
[3] a swishing sound, as made by a long silk dress
[4] elaborate dress or ornamentation, esp worn by women
Words related to Froufrou
decorative, gaudy, lavish, sumptuous, elegant, complicated, ornate, deluxe, special, frilly, garish, splashy, ostentatious, brilliant, jazzy, flashy, snazzy, showy, coloring, adornment
Words nearby Froufrou
frothy, frottage, frotteur, froude, froude number, froufrou, frousy, frouzy, frow, froward, frown
Origin of Froufrou
1865–70; < French; imitative
Word origin for Froufrou
C19: from French, of imitative origin
Synonyms for Froufrou
complicated, decorative, deluxe, elegant, frilly, gaudy, lavish, ornate, special, sumptuous, adorned, baroque, beautifying, chichi, custom, decorated, elaborate, embellished, garnished, gingerbread, rich, rococo, cushy, fanciful, florid, intricate, ostentatious, resplendent, showy, spiffy, unusual