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Showing words for FUDGING using the English dictionary

7 Letter Words for Fudging


6 Letter Words for Fudging


5 Letter Words for Fudging

duing, fundi, fungi, gundi, undig

4 Letter Words for Fudging

ding, dung, find, fund, fung, ging, guid, gung, idun

3 Letter Words for Fudging

dif, dig, din, dug, dui, dun, fgn, fid, fig, fin, fud, fug, fun, gid, gif, gig, gin, gnu, gud, gui, gun, igg, ign, ind, inf, ing, iud, nid, nig, ung, uni

Definitions for Fudging

[1] nonsense or foolishness (often used as an interjection).
[2] to talk nonsense.
[3] to cheat or welsh (often followed by on ): to fudge on an exam; to fudge on one's campaign promises.
[4] to avoid coming to grips with something: to fudge on an issue.
[5] to exaggerate a cost, estimate, etc., in order to allow leeway for error.
[6] to avoid coming to grips with (a subject, issue, etc.); evade; dodge: to fudge a direct question.
[7] a small stereotype or a few lines of specially prepared type, bearing a newspaper bulletin, for replacing a detachable part of a page plate without the need to replate the entire page.
[8] the bulletin thus printed, often in color.
[9] a machine or attachment for printing such a bulletin.
[10] a soft variously flavoured sweet made from sugar, butter, cream, etc
[11] foolishness; nonsense
[12] a mild exclamation of annoyance
[13] (intr) to talk foolishly or emptily
[14] a small section of type matter in a box in a newspaper allowing late news to be included without the whole page having to be remade
[15] the box in which such type matter is placed
[16] the late news so inserted
[17] a machine attached to a newspaper press for printing this
[18] an unsatisfactory compromise reached to evade a difficult problem or controversial issue
[19] (tr) to make or adjust in a false or clumsy way
[20] (tr) to misrepresent; falsify
[21] to evade (a problem, issue, etc); dodge; avoid

Words related to Fudging

fudgeoverstate, falsify, evade, exaggerate, dodge, shuffle, magnify, color, avoid, slant, embellish, patch, stall, pad, hedge, equivocate, embroider

Words nearby Fudging

fudgefud, fuddle, fuddle-duddle, fuddling cup, fuddy-duddy, fudge, fudge factor, fuegian, fuehrer, fuel, fuel air bomb

Origin of Fudging

e31665–75; origin uncertain; in earliest sense, “to contrive clumsily,” perhaps expressive variant of fadge to fit, agree, do (akin to Middle English feien to put together, join, Old English fēgan ); unclear if fudge1 and fudge2 are developments of this word or independent coinages

Word origin for Fudging

eC19: see fadge

Synonyms for Fudging

evade, exaggerate, falsify, overstate, avoid, color, dodge, embellish, embroider, equivocate, hedge, magnify, pad, patch, shuffle, slant, stall, cook up