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Showing words for FULANI using the English dictionary

6 Letter Words for Fulani

fulani, infula

5 Letter Words for Fulani

alfin, falun, final, flain, funli, inula, uinal

4 Letter Words for Fulani

ainu, alif, alin, anil, fail, fain, faun, fila, flan, fula, infl, lain, lauf, laun, lina, luna, naif, nail, ulan, ulna, unai, unal

3 Letter Words for Fulani

ail, ain, alf, aln, anu, auf, aul, fan, fil, fin, flu, fun, inf, lai, lan, lif, lin, naf, nil, nul, ufa, ula, una, uni, unl

Definitions for Fulani

[1] Also Fulah. a member of a pastoral and nomadic people of mixed African and Mediterranean ancestry, scattered through W Africa from Senegal to Cameroon.
[2] the language of the Fulani, a Niger-Congo language closely related to Wolof.
[3] the language of the Fula, belonging to the West Atlantic branch of the Niger-Congo family, widely used as a trade pidgin in W Africa
[4] plural -nis or -ni another name for Fula (def. 1)
[5] plural -nis or -ni a humped breed of cattle from W Africa
[6] of or relating to the Fula or their language