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Showing words for FUMAROLE using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Fumarole

formulae, fumarole

7 Letter Words for Fumarole

femoral, formula, formule

6 Letter Words for Fumarole

armful, earful, farleu, fermal, ferula, flamer, foamer, formal, formel, fouler, fulmar, furole, loafer, mauler, morale, morula, morule, ramule

5 Letter Words for Fumarole

afore, afoul, alure, amelu, amole, amour, arulo, farle, femal, femur, feral, feuar, flame, flare, fleam, flear, fleur, flora, flour, fluer, flume, fluor, foram, forel, forma, forme, forum, fouer, foule, frame, fream, fuero, fumer, fural, furol, lamer, larum, laure, lemur, leuma, lorum, loure, maleo, marle, meaul, molar, moler, morae, moral, morel, moule, mural, oleum, orale, realm, realo, romal, roule, rumal, ulema, ureal

4 Letter Words for Fumarole

aero, afer, afro, alef, alem, alme, aloe, alum, amel, amor, amur, arle, arum, earl, eorl, eral, euro, fame, fare, farl, farm, faro, feal, fear, ferm, feru, flam, flea, floe, flor, flue, foal, foam, fole, fore, form, foul, four, frae, frau, froe, from, fuel, fula, fuma, fume, furl, furo, laer, lame, lare, lauf, laur, leaf, leam, lear, loaf, loam, loma, lome, lora, lore, lour, lura, lure, male, malo, mare, marl, maro, maru, maul, meal, mear, mela, merl, mero, mola, mole, mora, more, moue, moul, mule, mura, mure, murl, olam, olea, omer, orae, oral, orfe, orle, rale, rame, real, ream, refl, roam, role, rolf, roma, rome, roua, roue, roul, roum, rule, rume, ufer, ulmo, ural, urao, urea, urol

3 Letter Words for Fumarole

aer, ale, alf, alo, ame, amu, aor, are, arf, arm, aru, auf, aul, aum, eam, ear, eau, efl, ela, elf, elm, emf, emo, emu, eof, eom, era, erf, fam, fao, far, fem, fer, feu, flo, flu, foe, fol, for, fou, fra, fro, fum, fur, lam, lao, lar, lea, lem, leo, ler, leu, loa, loe, lof, lor, lue, lum, luo, lur, mae, mal, mao, mar, mau, mea, mel, mer, meu, mfa, mfr, moa, moe, mol, mor, mou, oaf, oam, oar, oer, ola, ole, olm, ora, ore, orf, orl, ouf, our, raf, ram, rea, ref, rel, rem, rle, roe, rom, rue, rum, ufa, ufo, ula, ule, uma, ume, ura, ure, urf

Definitions for Fumarole

[1] a hole in or near a volcano, from which vapor rises.
[2] a vent in or near a volcano from which hot gases, esp steam, are emitted

Words nearby Fumarole

fumarase, fumarate, fumariaceous, fumaric, fumaric acid, fumarole, fumatorium, fumatory, fumble, fume, fume cupboard

Origin of Fumarole

1805–15; < French fumerolle < Late Latin fūmāriōlum, diminutive of Latin fūmārium smoke chamber, equivalent to fūm(us ) smoke + -ārium -arium; see -ole1

Words that may be confused with Fumarole

caldera, fumarole, geyser, volcano

Other words from Fumarole

fu·ma·rol·ic [fyoo-muh -rol -ik] /ˌfyu məˈrɒl ɪk/ , adjective

Word origin for Fumarole

C19: from French fumerolle , from Late Latin fūmāriolum smoke hole, from Latin fūmus smoke