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Showing words for FURBISH using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Furbish
6 Letter Words for Furbish
5 Letter Words for Furbish
4 Letter Words for Furbish
3 Letter Words for Furbish
Definitions for Furbish
[1] to restore to freshness of appearance or good condition (often followed by up ): to furbish a run-down neighborhood; to furbish up one's command of a foreign language.
[2] to polish.
[3] to make bright by polishing; burnish
[4] (often foll by up) to improve the appearance or condition of; renovate; restore
Words related to Furbish
shine, restore, rub, gloss, glaze, brighten, refurbish, rehabilitate, burnish, recondition, clean, renew, buff, improve
Words nearby Furbish
furan, furanose, furazolidone, furbearer, furbelow, furbish, furbish lousewort, furca, furcal, furcate, furcation
Origin of Furbish
1350–1400; Middle English furbishen < Middle French forbiss-, long stem of forbir to polish, clean < Germanic; compare Old High German furban
Other words from Furbish
fur·bish·er , noun
un·fur·bished , adjective
Word origin for Furbish
C14: from Old French fourbir to polish, of Germanic origin
Synonyms for Furbish
brighten, buff, burnish, clean, glaze, gloss, improve, recondition, refurbish, rehabilitate, renew, restore, rub, shine, deck out, fix up, gussy up, smarten up, spruce up