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Showing words for FURROWED using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Furrowed
6 Letter Words for Furrowed
5 Letter Words for Furrowed
4 Letter Words for Furrowed
3 Letter Words for Furrowed
Definitions for Furrowed
[1] a narrow groove made in the ground, especially by a plow.
[2] a narrow groovelike or trenchlike depression in any surface: the furrows of a wrinkled face.
[3] to make a furrow or furrows in.
[4] to make wrinkles in (the face): to furrow one's brow.
[5] to become furrowed.
[6] a long narrow trench made in the ground by a plough or a trench resembling this
[7] any long deep groove, esp a deep wrinkle on the forehead
[8] to develop or cause to develop furrows or wrinkles
[9] to make a furrow or furrows in (land)
Words related to Furrowed
furrowmountainous, rocky, hilly, jagged, craggy, rough, chiseled, sculpted, embossed, decorated, minted, crumpled, touch, follow, score, adjoin, smash, shove, rake
Words nearby Furrowed
furrowfurrier, furriery, furriner, furring, furring strip, furrow, furrowed tongue, furry, furshlugginer, furth, further
Origin of Furrowed
before 900; Middle English forwe, furgh, Old English furh; cognate with Old Frisian furch, Old High German fur(u)h (German Furche ), Latin porca ridge between furrows
Other words from Furrowed
fur·row·er , noun
fur·row·less , adjective
fur·row·like , adjective
fur·row·y , adjective
un·fur·rowed , adjective
Word origin for Furrowed
Old English furh ; related to Old Frisian furch , Old Norse for , Old High German furuh furrow, Latin porca ridge between furrows
Synonyms for Furrowed
craggy, hilly, jagged, mountainous, rocky, rough, asperous, broken, coarse, difficult, harsh, irregular, leathery, lumpy, ragged, roughhewn, scabrous, scraggy, stark, uneven, unlevel, unpolished, unrefined, unsmooth, weather-beaten, worn, wrinkled