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Showing words for FUSSY using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Fussy
4 Letter Words for Fussy
3 Letter Words for Fussy
Definitions for Fussy
[1] excessively busy with trifles; anxious or particular about petty details.
[2] hard to satisfy or please: a fussy eater.
[3] (of clothes, decoration, etc.) elaborately made, trimmed, or decorated: All the bric-a-brac gave the room a fussy, cluttered look.
[4] full of details, especially in excess: His writing is so fussy I lose the thread of the story.
[5] inclined to fuss over minor points
[6] very particular about detail
[7] characterized by overelaborate detail the furniture was too fussy to be elegant
Words related to Fussy
scrupulous, choosy, discriminating, squeamish, conscientious, finicky, careful, dainty, difficult, exact, exacting, fastidious, fretful, fuddy-duddy, heedful, painstaking, persnickety, picky, punctilious, punctual
Words nearby Fussy
fuss, fuss and feathers, fussbox, fussbudget, fusspot, fussy, fustanella, fustet, fustian, fustic, fustigate
Origin of Fussy
First recorded in 1825–35; fuss + -y1
Other words from Fussy
fuss·i·ly , adverb
fuss·i·ness , noun
o·ver·fuss·y , adjective
un·fuss·i·ly , adverb
un·fuss·i·ness , noun
un·fuss·y , adjective
Synonyms for Fussy
choosy, conscientious, discriminating, finicky, scrupulous, squeamish, careful, conscionable, dainty, difficult, exact, exacting, fastidious, finical, fretful, fuddy-duddy, hard to please, heedful, nit-picking, overfastidious, painstaking, persnickety, picky, picky-picky, punctilious, punctual, querulous, stickling