9 Letter Words for Fustigate
8 Letter Words for Fustigate
fatigues, fugitate
7 Letter Words for Fustigate
augites, fatigue, fatties, fittage, gutties, siftage, situate, usitate
6 Letter Words for Fustigate
ageist, agutis, astite, astute, augite, autist, estufa, fettas, fiesta, fittes, fugate, fugies, fusate, fustet, fustie, gaitts, gustie, guttas, guttie, sattie, statue, taties, teguas, teufit
5 Letter Words for Fustigate
aegis, agist, agues, agust, aguti, aitus, auget, etuis, fagus, faits, fasti, fates, fause, faust, faute, feast, feats, feist, festa, fetas, fetis, fetta, fetts, fetus, fiats, fiest, fitte, fitts, fuage, fugie, fugit, gaist, gaits, gaitt, gaius, gates, geast, geats, geisa, geist, geits, getas, gifts, gites, giust, gteau, guest, guise, gutta, gutte, gutti, saute, siafu, sitta, stage, staig, state, stife, stite, sugat, suite, sutta, tagus, taigs, taise, taits, taste, tates, tatie, tatus, tauts, teats, tegua, tegus, testa, tifts, tiges, tsuga, tufas, tufts, usage
4 Letter Words for Fustigate
ages, aget, agit, agst, ague, aits, aitu, atef, ates, atis, atte, aufs, auge, aute, east, eats, eaus, efts, esau, etas, etat, etua, etui, fage, fags, fait, fast, fate, fats, faut, feat, fegs, feis, fest, feta, fets, fett, feus, fiat, fies, figs, fise, fist, fits, fitt, fugs, fuse, fust, fute, gaes, gaet, gait, gast, gate, gats, gatt, gaus, gaut, geat, geit, gest, geta, gets, gies, gift, gise, gist, gite, gits, gues, gufa, gust, guts, gutt, itas, safe, saft, sage, sate, sati, sauf, saut, seat, seif, seit, seta, sett, sife, sift, sita, site, situ, stag, stat, steg, stet, stge, stie, stue, stug, stut, suet, sufi, sugi, suit, taft, tags, taig, tais, tait, tasu, tate, tats, tatu, taus, taut, teas, teat, tefs, tega, tegs, tegu, test, tets, ties, tift, tige, tigs, tite, tits, tsia, tues, tufa, tuft, tugs, tuis, tute, tuts, utai, utas, utes, utis
3 Letter Words for Fustigate
aes, aft, age, ags, agt, ais, ait, ase, asg, ast, ate, att, auf, aug, eas, eat, eau, efs, eft, est, esu, eta, fag, fas, fat, fei, fes, fet, feu, fie, fig, fit, fug, fut, gas, gat, gau, get, gie, gif, gis, git, gte, gtt, gue, gui, gus, gut, ife, ifs, ise, ist, ita, its, sag, sai, sat, sau, sea, seg, sei, set, sie, sif, sig, sit, sta, stg, sue, suf, sui, tag, tai, tas, tat, tau, tea, tef, teg, tes, tet, tgt, tie, tig, tis, tit, tiu, tsi, tst, tua, tue, tug, tui, tut, ufa, ufs, ugs, ugt, uit, usa, use, ust, uta, ute, uti, uts
Definitions for Fustigate
[1] to cudgel; beat; punish severely.
[2] to criticize harshly; castigate: a new satire that fustigates bureaucratic shilly-shallying.
[3] (tr) archaic to beat; cudgel
Words related to Fustigate
bash, clobber, pummel, whack, bludgeon, excoriate, chastise, denounce, chide, blame, censure, castigate, reprimand, blast, condemn, pound, beat, hammer, cudgel, clout
Words nearby Fustigate
fussy, fustanella, fustet, fustian, fustic, fustigate, fustinella, fusty, fusula, fusuma, fut.
Origin of Fustigate
1650–60; < Late Latin fūstīgātus, past participle of fūstigāre to cudgel, derivative of Latin fūstis cudgel; for formation, see fumigate
Other words from Fustigate
fus·ti·ga·tion , noun
fus·ti·ga·tor , noun
fus·ti·ga·to·ry [fuhs -ti-guh -tawr-ee, -tohr-ee] /ˈfʌs tɪ gəˌtɔr i, -ˌtoʊr i/ , adjective
Word origin for Fustigate
C17: from Late Latin fūstīgāre to cudgel to death, from Latin fūstis cudgel
Synonyms for Fustigate
bash, bludgeon, clobber, pummel, whack, baste, batter, beat, blackjack, clout, cosh, cudgel, hammer, pommel, pound, strike