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Showing words for GALLIPOT using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Gallipot
7 Letter Words for Gallipot
galipot, galliot
6 Letter Words for Gallipot
galiot, gallop, gillot, latigo, potail
5 Letter Words for Gallipot
aillt, algol, allot, apiol, atoll, galop, glali, glial, gloat, igapo, logia, palli, paoli, patio, pilot, plait, plato, ploat, polit, taipo, talio, talli, topia
4 Letter Words for Gallipot
agio, agit, allo, alop, alto, aoli, apio, atip, atli, atop, gail, gait, gali, gall, galp, galt, gapo, gila, gill, gilo, gilt, glia, glit, glop, goal, goat, gola, goli, goll, golp, iago, ilot, iota, ital, itll, lait, lalo, lati, lila, lilo, lilt, lipa, loli, lota, loti, olla, opai, opal, pail, pali, pall, palt, pato, pial, pila, pill, pita, plat, plia, plot, poil, poll, polt, poti, taig, tail, tali, tall, tiao, till, toga, toil, tola, toll, topi
3 Letter Words for Gallipot
ago, agt, ail, ait, alg, all, alo, alp, alt, apl, apt, atp, gal, gap, gat, gio, git, glt, goa, goi, gol, gop, got, iao, ill, ilo, ipl, ipo, ita, lag, lai, lao, lap, lat, lig, lip, lit, loa, log, lop, lot, oat, oil, ola, olp, opa, opt, pal, pat, pia, pig, pil, pit, pli, poa, poi, pol, pot, pta, ptg, tag, tai, tal, tao, tap, tig, til, tip, tlo, toa, tog, toi, tol, top, tpi
Definitions for Gallipot
[1] a small glazed pot used by apothecaries for medicines, confections, or the like.
[2] galipot.
[3] a type of turpentine exuded on the stems of certain species of pine.
[4] a small earthenware pot used by pharmacists as a container for ointments, etc
[5] a variant spelling of galipot
[6] a resin obtained from several species of pine, esp from the S European Pinus pinaster
Words related to Gallipot
Words nearby Gallipot
galling, gallinipper, gallinule, galliot, gallipoli, gallipot, gallium, gallium arsenide, gallium-67, gallium-68, gallivant
Origin of Gallipot
ipot1785–95; < French galipot, galipo, perhaps < Old French garipot a species of pine tree
Word origin for Gallipot
ipotC18: from French, of unknown origin