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Showing words for GANEF using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Ganef


4 Letter Words for Ganef

agen, fage, fane, fang, gaen, gane, gean, gena, neaf

3 Letter Words for Ganef

age, ane, ean, eng, fag, fan, fen, fgn, gan, gen, nae, naf, nag, nea, nef, neg

Definitions for Ganef

[1] a thief, swindler, crook, or rascal.
[2] an unscrupulous opportunist who stoops to sharp practice

Words nearby Ganef

gandhiism, gandhinagar, gandy dancer, gandzha, gane, ganef, ganesh, ganesha, gang, gang drill, gang hook

Origin of Ganef

1920–25; < Yiddish < Hebrew gannābh

Word origin for Ganef

from Yiddish, from Hebrew gannābh thief, from gānnabh he stole