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Showing words for GAP using the English dictionary
3 Letter Words for Gap
Definitions for Gap
[1] a break or opening, as in a fence, wall, or military line; breach: We found a gap in the enemy's line of fortifications.
[2] an empty space or interval; interruption in continuity; hiatus: a momentary gap in a siren's wailing; a gap in his memory.
[3] a wide divergence or difference; disparity: the gap between expenses and income; the gap between ideals and actions.
[4] a difference or disparity in attitudes, perceptions, character, or development, or a lack of confidence or understanding, perceived as creating a problem: the technology gap; a communications gap.
[5] a deep, sloping ravine or cleft through a mountain ridge.
[6] Chiefly Midland and Southern U.S. a mountain pass: the Cumberland Gap.
[7] Aeronautics . the distance between one supporting surface of an airplane and another above or below it.
[8] to make a gap, opening, or breach in.
[9] to come open or apart; form or show a gap.
[10] a department in SE France. 2179 sq. mi. (5645 sq. km). Capital : Gap.
[11] a break or opening in a wall, fence, etc
[12] a break in continuity; interruption; hiatus there is a serious gap in the accounts
[13] a break in a line of hills or mountains affording a route through
[14] mainly US a gorge or ravine
[15] a divergence or difference; disparity there is a gap between his version of the event and hers ; the generation gap
[16] electronics a break in a magnetic circuit that increases the inductance and saturation point of the circuit See spark gap
[17] bridge a gap , close a gap , fill a gap or stop a gap to remedy a deficiency
[18] (tr) to make a breach or opening in
[19] a department of SE France in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region. Capital: Gap. Pop: 126 810 (2003 est). Area: 5643 sq km (2201 sq miles)
Words related to Gap
rift, cut, divide, division, disagreement, void, crack, divergence, disparity, chasm, hole, difference, inconsistency, interruption, interstice, recess, gully, defile, rest, hollow
Words nearby Gap
gao, gao xingjian, gaol, gaon, gaoxiong, gap, gap 1, gap 2, gap junction, gap phenomenon, gap year
Origin of Gap
1350–1400; Middle English < Old Norse gap chasm
Other words from Gap
gap·less , adjective
Word origin for Gap
C14: from Old Norse gap chasm; related to gapa to gape , Swedish gap, Danish gab open mouth, opening
Synonyms for Gap
chasm, crack, cut, difference, disagreement, disparity, divergence, divide, division, hole, inconsistency, rift, void, aperture, arroyo, blank, caesura, canyon, cleft, clove, cranny, crevice, defile, discontinuity, fracture, gorge, gulch, gully, hiatus, hollow, interlude, intermission, interruption, interstice, interval, lacuna, lull, notch, opening, orifice, pause, ravine, recess, rent, respite, rest, rupture, separation, slit, slot, space, vacuity, interspace