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Showing words for GAPING using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Gaping
5 Letter Words for Gaping
4 Letter Words for Gaping
3 Letter Words for Gaping
Definitions for Gaping
[1] to stare with open mouth, as in wonder.
[2] to open the mouth wide involuntarily, as the result of hunger, sleepiness, or absorbed attention.
[3] to open as a gap; split or become open wide.
[4] a wide opening; gap; breach.
[5] an act or instance of gaping.
[6] a stare, as in astonishment or with the mouth wide open.
[7] a yawn.
[8] Zoology . the width of the open mouth.
[9] wide open; extremely wide a gaping hole
[10] to stare in wonder or amazement, esp with the mouth open
[11] to open the mouth wide, esp involuntarily, as in yawning or hunger
[12] to be or become wide open the crater gaped under his feet
[13] the act of gaping
[14] a wide opening; breach
[15] the width of the widely opened mouth of a vertebrate
[16] a stare or expression of astonishment
Words related to Gaping
gapevast, cavernous, yawning, broad, great, chasmal
Words nearby Gaping
gapegap 2, gap junction, gap phenomenon, gap year, gap-toothed, gape, gaper, gapes, gapeseed, gapeworm, gaping
Origin of Gaping
e1175–1225; Middle English < Old Norse gapa to open the mouth wide; compare German gaffen
Other words from Gaping
gap·ing·ly , adverb
sub·gape , verb (used without object), sub·gaped, sub·gap·ing.
un·gap·ing , adjective
Word origin for Gaping
eC13: from Old Norse gapa; related to Middle Dutch gapen, Danish gabe