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Showing words for GARBAGE using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Garbage
6 Letter Words for Garbage
5 Letter Words for Garbage
4 Letter Words for Garbage
3 Letter Words for Garbage
Definitions for Garbage
[1] discarded animal and vegetable matter, as from a kitchen; refuse.
[2] any matter that is no longer wanted or needed; trash.
[3] anything that is contemptibly worthless, inferior, or vile: There's nothing but garbage on TV tonight.
[4] worthless talk; lies; foolishness.
[5] Slang . any unnecessary item added to something else, as for appearance only; garnish: I'll have an Old Fashioned, but without the garbage.
[6] useless artificial satellites or parts of rockets floating in space, as satellites that are no longer transmitting information or rocket boosters jettisoned in flight.
[7] Computers . meaningless or unwanted data: That program was not properly debugged and produced nothing but garbage.
[8] worthless, useless, or unwanted matter
[9] Also called: rubbish discarded or waste matter; refuse
[10] computing invalid data
[11] informal nonsense
Words related to Garbage
junk, trash, filth, swill, scrap, rubble, muck, dross, debris, offal, rubbish, dregs, slop, waste, detritus, sewage, dreck, sweepings
Words nearby Garbage
garam masala, garamond, garand, garand rifle, garb, garbage, garbage can, garbage collection, garbage in, garbage out, garbage truck, garbageman
Origin of Garbage
1400–50; late Middle English: discarded parts of butchered fowls; compared with garbelage the removal of waste from spices (< Anglo-French, Old French; see garble, -age) or Old French garbage tax on sheaves of grain, though shift of sense, and form in first case, is unclear
Word origin for Garbage
C15: probably from Anglo-French garbelage removal of discarded matter, of uncertain origin; compare Old Italian garbuglio confusion
Synonyms for Garbage
debris, detritus, dreck, dregs, dross, filth, junk, muck, offal, rubbish, rubble, scrap, scrapings, sewage, slop, sweepings, swill, trash, waste, bits and pieces, odds and ends