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Showing words for GASP using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Gasp
3 Letter Words for Gasp
Definitions for Gasp
[1] a sudden, short intake of breath, as in shock or surprise.
[2] a convulsive effort to breathe.
[3] a short, convulsive utterance: the words came out in gasps.
[4] to catch one's breath.
[5] to struggle for breath with the mouth open; breathe convulsively.
[6] to long with breathless eagerness; desire; crave (usually followed by for or after ).
[7] to utter with gasps (often followed by out, forth, away, etc.): She gasped out the words.
[8] to breathe or emit with gasps (often followed by away ).
[9] last gasp , the point of death; dying: At his last gasp he confessed to the murder.
[10] (intr) to draw in the breath sharply, convulsively, or with effort, esp in expressing awe, horror, etc
[11] (intr; foll by after or for) to crave
[12] (tr often foll by out ) to utter or emit breathlessly
[13] a short convulsive intake of breath
[14] a short convulsive burst of speech
[15] at the last gasp at the point of death at the last moment
Words related to Gasp
whoop, exclamation, snort, choke, blow, pant, ejaculation, gulp, puff, wheeze, heave, inhale, inspire, convulse, respire, sniffle
Words nearby Gasp
gasolier, gasoline, gasometer, gasometric analysis, gasometry, gasp, gaspar, gasparovic, gasper, gaspereau, gaspergou
Origin of Gasp
1350–1400; Middle English gaspen, probably Old English *gāspen, equivalent to Old Norse geispa; akin to gape
Other words from Gasp
gasp·ing·ly , adverb
Word origin for Gasp
C14: from Old Norse geispa to yawn; related to Swedish dialect gispa, Danish gispe
Synonyms for Gasp
exclamation, whoop, blow, ejaculation, gulp, heave, pant, puff, wheeze