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Showing words for GENTLE using the English dictionary
6 Letter Words for Gentle
5 Letter Words for Gentle
4 Letter Words for Gentle
3 Letter Words for Gentle
Definitions for Gentle
[1] kindly; amiable: a gentle manner.
[2] not severe, rough, or violent; mild: a gentle wind; a gentle tap on the shoulder.
[3] moderate: gentle heat.
[4] gradual: a gentle slope.
[5] of good birth or family; wellborn.
[6] characteristic of good birth; honorable; respectable: a gentle upbringing.
[7] easily handled or managed; tractable: a gentle animal.
[8] soft or low: a gentle sound.
[9] polite; refined: Consider, gentle reader, my terrible predicament at this juncture.
[10] entitled to a coat of arms; armigerous.
[11] Archaic . noble; chivalrous: a gentle knight.
[12] to tame; render tractable.
[13] to mollify; calm; pacify.
[14] to make gentle.
[15] to stroke; soothe by petting.
[16] to ennoble; dignify.
[17] having a mild or kindly nature or character
[18] soft or temperate; mild; moderate a gentle scolding
[19] gradual a gentle slope
[20] easily controlled; tame a gentle horse
[21] archaic of good breeding; noble gentle blood
[22] archaic gallant; chivalrous
[23] to tame or subdue (a horse)
[24] to appease or mollify
[25] obsolete to ennoble or dignify
[26] a maggot, esp when used as bait in fishing
[27] archaic a person who is of good breeding
Words related to Gentle
genial, amiable, considerate, mellow, compassionate, quiet, tame, pleasant, benign, placid, tender, affable, moderate, soft, humane, cool, serene, subdued, slight, smooth
Words nearby Gentle
gentilesse, gentilism, gentility, gentisate, gentisic acid, gentle, gentle breeze, gentle craft, gentle sex, gentlefolk, gentleman
Origin of Gentle
1175–1225; Middle English gentle, gentil(e ) < Old French gentil highborn, noble < Latin gentīlis belonging to the same family, equivalent to gent- (stem of gēns ) gens + -īlis -le
Other words from Gentle
gen·tle·ness , noun
gen·tly , adverb
o·ver·gen·tle , adjective
o·ver·gen·tly , adverb
un·gen·tle , adjective
un·gen·tle·ness , noun
un·gen·t·ly , adverb
Word origin for Gentle
C13: from Old French gentil noble, from Latin gentīlis belonging to the same family; see gens
Synonyms for Gentle
affable, amiable, benign, compassionate, considerate, cool, genial, humane, mellow, moderate, placid, pleasant, quiet, soft, tame, tender, cultivated, disciplined, domesticated, pleasing, taught, trained, agreeable, biddable, bland, docile, dove-like, easy, kindly, laid back, lenient, manageable, meek, merciful, pacific, peaceful, pliable, softhearted, sweet-tempered, sympathetic, temperate, tractable, warmhearted