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Showing words for GESTATE using the English dictionary
7 Letter Words for Gestate
gestate, tagetes
6 Letter Words for Gestate
egesta, estate, etages
5 Letter Words for Gestate
agete, atees, egest, etage, gates, gease, geast, geats, geest, geste, getas, setae, stage, state, taste, tates, tease, teats, teest, testa, teste
4 Letter Words for Gestate
agee, ages, aget, agst, ates, atte, ease, east, eats, etas, etat, gaes, gaet, gast, gate, gats, gatt, geat, gees, geet, gest, geta, gets, sage, sate, seat, seta, sett, stag, stat, steg, stet, stge, tags, tate, tats, teas, teat, tees, teet, tega, tegs, test, tete, tets
3 Letter Words for Gestate
aes, age, ags, agt, ase, asg, ast, ate, att, eas, eat, eeg, ese, est, eta, gas, gat, gee, get, gte, gtt, sag, sat, sea, see, seg, set, sta, stg, tag, tas, tat, tea, tee, teg, tes, tet, tgt, tst
Definitions for Gestate
[1] to carry in the womb during the period from conception to delivery.
[2] to think of and develop (an idea, opinion, plan, etc.) slowly in the mind.
[3] to experience the process of gestating offspring.
[4] to develop slowly.
[5] (tr) to carry (developing young) in the uterus during pregnancy
[6] (tr) to develop (a plan or idea) in the mind
[7] (intr) to be in the process of gestating
Words related to Gestate
Words nearby Gestate
gestalt psychology, gestalt psychotherapy, gestalt therapy, gestaltism, gestapo, gestate, gestation, gestational carrier, gestational edema, gestational proteinuria, gestational psychosis
Origin of Gestate
1865–70; < Latin gestātus past participle of gestāre to carry about, carry in the womb, frequentative of gerere to bear, perform
Word origin for Gestate
C19: back formation from gestation