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Showing words for GIGGLING using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Giggling
7 Letter Words for Giggling
6 Letter Words for Giggling
4 Letter Words for Giggling
3 Letter Words for Giggling
Definitions for Giggling
[1] to laugh in a silly, often high-pitched way, especially with short, repeated gasps and titters, as from juvenile or ill-concealed amusement or nervous embarrassment.
[2] a silly, spasmodic laugh; titter.
[3] Slang . an amusing experience, incident, etc.: Going to a silly movie was always a giggle.
[4] (intr) to laugh nervously or foolishly
[5] such a laugh
[6] informal something or someone that provokes amusement
[7] the giggles a fit of prolonged and uncontrollable giggling
[8] for a giggle informal as a joke or prank; not seriously
Words related to Giggling
gigglesnicker, guffaw, cackle, chuckle, chortle, snigger, titter, twitter
Words nearby Giggling
gigglegigantomachy, gigantomastia, gigantopithecus, gigaton, gigawatt, giggle, giglet, gigli, gigo, gigolo, gigot
Origin of Giggling
e1500–10; imitative; compare Dutch gigelen, German gickeln. See -le
Other words from Giggling
gig·gler , noun
gig·gling·ly , adverb
gig·gly , adjective
Word origin for Giggling
eC16: of imitative origin
Synonyms for Giggling
cackle, chuckle, guffaw, snicker, chortle, hee-haw, snigger, titter, twitter, teehee