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Showing words for GLIDE using the English dictionary

5 Letter Words for Glide

gelid, glide

4 Letter Words for Glide

deil, deli, diel, eild, geld, gied, gild, gile, gled, glei, glid, idle, lied, lige

3 Letter Words for Glide

deg, dei, del, die, dig, dil, dle, eld, eli, ged, gel, gid, gie, gld, ide, ile, ldg, led, leg, lei, lid, lie, lig

Definitions for Glide

[1] to move smoothly and continuously along, as if without effort or resistance, as a flying bird, a boat, or a skater.
[2] to pass by gradual or unobservable change (often followed by along, away, by, etc.).
[3] to move quietly or stealthily or without being noticed (usually followed by in, out, along, etc.).
[4] Aeronautics . to move in the air, especially at an easy angle downward, with less engine power than for level flight, solely by the action of air currents and gravity, or by momentum already acquired. to fly in a glider.
[5] Music . to pass from one note to another without a break.
[6] to cause to glide.
[7] a gliding movement, as in dancing.
[8] a dance marked by such movements.
[9] Music . slur(def 10a) .
[10] Phonetics . a speech sound having the characteristics of both a consonant and a vowel, especially w in wore and y in your, and, in some analyses, r in road and l in load; semivowel. a transitional sound heard during the articulation linking two phonemically contiguous sounds, as the y- sound often heard between the i and e of quiet.
[11] a calm stretch of shallow, smoothly flowing water, as in a river.
[12] an act or instance of gliding.
[13] Metallurgy . slip1(def 49) .
[14] a smooth metal plate, as on the bottom of the feet of a chair or table, to facilitate moving and to prevent scarring of floor surfaces.
[15] a metal track in which a drawer, shelf, etc., moves in or out.
[16] to move or cause to move easily without jerks or hesitations to glide in a boat down the river
[17] (intr) to pass slowly or without perceptible change to glide into sleep
[18] to cause (an aircraft) to come into land without engine power, or (of an aircraft) to land in this way
[19] (intr) to fly a glider
[20] (intr) music to execute a portamento from one note to another
[21] (intr) phonetics to produce a glide
[22] a smooth easy movement
[23] any of various dances featuring gliding steps a step in such a dance
[24] a manoeuvre in which an aircraft makes a gentle descent without engine power See also glide path
[25] the act or process of gliding
[26] music a long portion of tubing slipped in and out of a trombone to increase its length for the production of lower harmonic series See also valve (def. 5) a portamento or slur
[27] phonetics a transitional sound as the speech organs pass from the articulatory position of one speech sound to that of the next, as the (w ) sound in some pronunciations of the word doing another word for semivowel
[28] crystallog another name for slip 1 (def. 33)
[29] cricket another word for glance 1 (def. 11)

Words related to Glide

fly, sail, slither, flit, float, drift, spiral, waft, slide, skate, skim, descend, slip, skip, soar, shoot, decline, run, stream, wing

Words nearby Glide

gliadin, glial cell, glib, glib ice, glidden, glide, glide path, glide plane, glide slope, glide time, glidepath

Origin of Glide

before 900; Middle English gliden (v.), Old English glīdan; cognate with German gleiten

Other words from Glide

glid·ing·ly , adverb
un·glid·ing , adjective

Word origin for Glide

Old English glīdan; related to Old High German glītan

Synonyms for Glide

descend, drift, flit, float, fly, sail, skate, skim, skip, slide, slip, slither, soar, spiral, waft, coast, decline, flow, glissade, roll, run, scud, shoot, slink, stream, trip, wing, skirr, smooth along