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Showing words for GOAT using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Goat
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Definitions for Goat
[1] any of numerous agile, hollow-horned ruminants of the genus Capra, of the family Bovidae, closely related to the sheep, found native in rocky and mountainous regions of the Old World, and widely distributed in domesticated varieties.
[2] any of various related animals, as the Rocky Mountain goat.
[3] (initial capital letter ) Astronomy , Astrology . the constellation or sign Capricorn.
[4] a scapegoat or victim.
[5] a licentious or lecherous man; lecher.
[6] get one's goat , Informal . to anger, annoy, or frustrate a person: His arrogance gets my goat.
[7] any sure-footed agile bovid mammal of the genus Capra, naturally inhabiting rough stony ground in Europe, Asia, and N Africa, typically having a brown-grey colouring and a beard. Domesticated varieties (C. hircus ) are reared for milk, meat, and wool Related adjectives: caprine, hircine
[8] short for Rocky Mountain goat
[9] informal a lecherous man
[10] a bad or inferior member of any group (esp in the phrase separate the sheep from the goats )
[11] short for scapegoat
[12] act the goat , act the giddy goat , play the goat or play the giddy goat to fool around
[13] get someone's goat slang to cause annoyance to someone
[14] the Goat the constellation Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac
Words related to Goat
Words nearby Goat
goalpost, goaltender, goaltending, goalwards, goanna, goat, goat antelope, goat cheese, goat god, goat island, goat moth
Origin of Goat
before 900; Middle English got, Old English gāt; cognate with German Geiss
Other words from Goat
goat·like , adjective
Word origin for Goat
Old English gāt; related to Old Norse geit, Old High German geiz, Latin haedus kid