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Showing words for GOOK using the English dictionary
4 Letter Words for Gook
3 Letter Words for Gook
Definitions for Gook
[1] guck.
[2] makeup, especially when thickly applied: She looks ridiculous with all that gook around her eyes.
[3] a contemptuous term used to refer to a native of Southeast Asia or the South Pacific, especially a member of an enemy military force.
[4] a contemptuous term used to refer to any dark-skinned foreigner, especially a non-European or non-American.
[5] anyone who is offensive to others because of stupidity, coarseness, etc.
[6] slang a derogatory word for a person from a Far Eastern country
[7] informal a messy sticky substance; muck
Words related to Gook
goo, silt, slime, muck, sludge, gunk, waste, debris, trash, powder, dirt, manure, mud, excrement, soil, stain, ground, dust, filth, soot
Words nearby Gook
googlewhack, googly, googly-eyed, googol, googolplex, gook, goolagong, goolagong cawley, goole, goolie, goombah
Origin of Gook
21915–20; of uncertain orig; compare earlier googoo, gugu, as contemptuous term for a Filipino, and perhaps comparable relationship of kook to cuckoo
Word origin for Gook
C20: of uncertain origin
Synonyms for Gook
goo, gunk, muck, silt, slime, sludge, alluvium, fluid, glop, mire, mud