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Showing words for GOVERNING using the English dictionary
9 Letter Words for Governing
8 Letter Words for Governing
7 Letter Words for Governing
6 Letter Words for Governing
5 Letter Words for Governing
4 Letter Words for Governing
3 Letter Words for Governing
Definitions for Governing
[1] to rule over by right of authority: to govern a nation.
[2] to exercise a directing or restraining influence over; guide: the motives governing a decision.
[3] to hold in check; control: to govern one's temper.
[4] to serve as or constitute a law for: the principles governing a case.
[5] Grammar . to be regularly accompanied by or require the use of (a particular form). In They helped us, the verb helped governs the objective case of the pronoun we.
[6] to regulate the speed of (an engine) with a governor.
[7] to exercise the function of government.
[8] to have predominating influence.
[9] (also intr) to direct and control the actions, affairs, policies, functions, etc, of (a political unit, organization, nation, etc); rule
[10] to exercise restraint over; regulate or direct to govern one's temper
[11] to be a predominant influence on (something); decide or determine (something) his injury governed his decision to avoid sports
[12] to control the speed of (an engine, machine, etc) using a governor
[13] to control the rate of flow of (a fluid) by using an automatic valve
[14] (of a word) to determine the inflection of (another word) Latin nouns govern adjectives that modify them
Words related to Governing
governadministrative, dominant, ruling, guiding, executive, ascendant, determining, controlling, absolute, conducting, ordering, overseeing, directing, mastering, authoritative, influential, magisterial, regulatory, supreme, supervisory
Words nearby Governing
governgoutweed, gouty, gouty stool, gov, gov., govern, governador valadares, governance, governess, government, government house
Origin of Governing
1250–1300; Middle English < Old French gouverner < Latin gubernāre to steer (a ship) < Greek kybernân to steer
Other words from Governing
gov·ern·a·ble , adjective
gov·ern·a·bil·i·ty , gov·ern·a·ble·ness , noun
o·ver·gov·ern , verb (used with object)
re·gov·ern , verb (used with object)
su·per·gov·ern , verb (used with object)
un·gov·erned , adjective
un·gov·ern·ing , adjective
well-gov·erned , adjective
Word origin for Governing
C13: from Old French gouverner, from Latin gubernāre to steer, from Greek kubernan
Synonyms for Governing
administrative, dominant, guiding, ruling, absolute, ascendant, conducting, controlling, determining, directing, dominating, executive, mastering, ordering, overseeing, restraining, superintending, authoritative, gubernatorial, influential, magisterial, presidential, regulatory, supervisory, supreme