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Showing words for GRACIOUS using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Gracious
7 Letter Words for Gracious
6 Letter Words for Gracious
5 Letter Words for Gracious
4 Letter Words for Gracious
3 Letter Words for Gracious
Definitions for Gracious
[1] pleasantly kind, benevolent, and courteous.
[2] characterized by good taste, comfort, ease, or luxury: gracious suburban living; a gracious home.
[3] indulgent or beneficent in a pleasantly condescending way, especially to inferiors.
[4] merciful or compassionate: our gracious king.
[5] Obsolete . fortunate or happy.
[6] (used as an exclamation of surprise, relief, dismay, etc.)
[7] characterized by or showing kindness and courtesy
[8] condescendingly courteous, benevolent, or indulgent
[9] characterized by or suitable for a life of elegance, ease, and indulgence gracious living ; gracious furnishings
[10] merciful or compassionate
[11] obsolete fortunate, prosperous, or happy
[12] an expression of mild surprise or wonder (often in exclamatory phrases such as good gracious!, gracious me! )
Words related to Gracious
cordial, genial, accommodating, amiable, courteous, congenial, compassionate, polite, approachable, courtly, hospitable, well-mannered, good-natured, affable, considerate, friendly, sociable, loving, amicable, beneficent
Words nearby Gracious
gracias, gracile, gracilis, gracilis muscle, gracioso, gracious, grackle, grad, grad., gradability, gradable
Origin of Gracious
1250–1300; Middle English gracious < Old French < Latin grātiōsus amiable, equivalent to grāti(a ) grace + -ōsus -ous
Words that may be confused with Gracious
Other words from Gracious
gra·cious·ly , adverb
gra·cious·ness , gra·ci·os·i·ty [grey-shee-os -i-tee] /ˌgreɪ ʃiˈɒs ɪ ti/ , noun
non·gra·ci·os·i·ty , noun
non·gra·cious , adjective
non·gra·cious·ly , adverb
non·gra·cious·ness , noun
o·ver·gra·cious , adjective
o·ver·gra·cious·ly , adverb
o·ver·gra·cious·ness , noun
qua·si-gra·cious , adjective
qua·si-gra·cious·ly , adverb
Synonyms for Gracious
accommodating, affable, amiable, approachable, compassionate, congenial, considerate, cordial, courteous, courtly, friendly, genial, good-natured, hospitable, loving, polite, sociable, well-mannered, amicable, beneficent, benevolent, benign, benignant, big-hearted, bland, bonhomous, charitable, chivalrous, civil, complaisant, easy, forthcoming, gallant, good-hearted, indulgent, lenient, merciful, mild, obliging, pleasing, stately, suave, tender, unctuous, urbane