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Showing words for GRAFFITI using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Graffiti
6 Letter Words for Graffiti
5 Letter Words for Graffiti
4 Letter Words for Graffiti
3 Letter Words for Graffiti
Definitions for Graffiti
[1] plural of graffito.
[2] (used with a plural verb ) markings, as initials, slogans, or drawings, written, spray-painted, or sketched on a sidewalk, wall of a building or public restroom, or the like: These graffiti are evidence of the neighborhood's decline.
[3] (used with a singular verb ) such markings as a whole or as constituting a particular group: Not much graffiti appears around here these days.
[4] Archaeology . an ancient drawing or writing scratched on a wall or other surface.
[5] a single example of graffiti.
[6] (sometimes with singular verb) drawings, messages, etc, often obscene, scribbled on the walls of public lavatories, advertising posters, etc
[7] archaeol inscriptions or drawings scratched or carved onto a surface, esp rock or pottery
Words related to Graffiti
Words nearby Graffiti
graeco-roman, graefe's operation, graefe's sign, graeffe method, graf, graffiti, graffito, graft, graft hybrid, graft-versus-host disease, graftage
Origin of Graffiti
osee origin at graffiti
Other words from Graffiti
graf·fi·tist , noun
Word origin for Graffiti
C19: graffito from Italian: a little scratch, from graffio, from Latin graphium stylus, from Greek grapheion; see graft 1
Synonyms for Graffiti
defacement, doodles, cave painting, scribbling