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Showing words for GRATIFYING using the English dictionary
10 Letter Words for Gratifying
9 Letter Words for Gratifying
8 Letter Words for Gratifying
7 Letter Words for Gratifying
6 Letter Words for Gratifying
5 Letter Words for Gratifying
4 Letter Words for Gratifying
3 Letter Words for Gratifying
Definitions for Gratifying
[1] tending to gratify; giving or causing satisfaction; pleasing.
[2] to give pleasure to (a person or persons) by satisfying desires or humoring inclinations or feelings: Her praise will gratify all who worked so hard to earn it.
[3] to satisfy; indulge; humor, as one's desires or appetites.
[4] Obsolete . to reward; remunerate.
[5] giving one satisfaction or pleasure
[6] to satisfy or please
[7] to yield to or indulge (a desire, whim, etc)
[8] obsolete to reward
Words related to Gratifying
enjoyable, pleasant, delightful, pleasing
Words nearby Gratifying
gratiae, gratian, graticule, gratification, gratify, gratifying, gratin, gratinate, gratinated, grating, gratiné
Origin of Gratifying
1350–1400; Middle English gratifien < Latin grātificāre, equivalent to grāt(us ) pleasing + -i- -i- + -ficāre -fy
Words that may be confused with Gratifying
WORDS, THAT, MAY, BE, CONFUSED, WITH, gratifygrateful, gratified, (see, synonym, study, at, grateful)
Other words from Gratifying
grat·i·fy·ing·ly , adverb
non·grat·i·fy·ing , adjective
non·grat·i·fy·ing·ly , adverb
un·grat·i·fy·ing , adjective
grat·i·fi·a·ble , adjective
grat·i·fi·ed·ly [grat -uh -fahy-id-lee, -fahyd-] /ˈgræt əˌfaɪ ɪd li, -ˌfaɪd-/ , adverb
grat·i·fi·er , noun
o·ver·grat·i·fy , verb (used with object), o·ver·grat·i·fied, o·ver·grat·i·fy·ing.
pre·grat·i·fy , verb (used with object), pre·grat·i·fied, pre·grat·i·fy·ing.
su·per·grat·i·fy , verb (used with object), su·per·grat·i·fied, su·per·grat·i·fy·ing.
un·grat·i·fi·a·ble , adjective
un·grat·i·fied , adjective
well-grat·i·fied , adjective
Word origin for Gratifying
C16: from Latin grātificārī to do a favour to, from grātus grateful + facere to make