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Showing words for GRAVY using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Gravy
4 Letter Words for Gravy
3 Letter Words for Gravy
Definitions for Gravy
[1] the fat and juices that drip from cooking meat, often thickened, seasoned, flavored, etc., and used as a sauce for meat, potatoes, rice, etc.
[2] Slang . profit or money easily obtained or received unexpectedly. money illegally or dishonestly acquired, especially through graft.
[3] something advantageous or valuable that is received or obtained as a benefit beyond what is due or expected.
[4] the juices that exude from meat during cooking the sauce made by thickening and flavouring such juices
[5] slang money or gain acquired with little effort, esp above that needed for ordinary living
[6] slang wonderful; excellent it's all gravy
Words related to Gravy
Words nearby Gravy
gravity wave, gravity wind, gravlax, gravol, gravure, gravy, gravy boat, gravy train, gravy train, ride the, gray, gray area
Origin of Gravy
1350–1400; 1905–10 for def 2 ; Middle English gravé, gravey < Old French gravé, perhaps misreading of grané (compare grain spice) < Latin granātus full of grains. See grain, -ate1
Word origin for Gravy
C14: from Old French gravé, of uncertain origin