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Showing words for GRIEF using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Grief
4 Letter Words for Grief
3 Letter Words for Grief
Definitions for Grief
[1] keen mental suffering or distress over affliction or loss; sharp sorrow; painful regret.
[2] a cause or occasion of keen distress or sorrow.
[3] come to grief , to suffer disappointment, misfortune, or other trouble; fail: Their marriage came to grief after only two years.
[4] good grief , (used as an exclamation of dismay, surprise, or relief): Good grief, it's started to rain again!
[5] deep or intense sorrow or distress, esp at the death of someone
[6] something that causes keen distress or suffering
[7] informal trouble or annoyance people were giving me grief for leaving ten minutes early
[8] come to grief informal to end unsuccessfully or disastrously
[9] tune someone grief See tune (def. 17)
Words related to Grief
heartache, gloom, melancholy, pain, regret, agony, sorrow, heartbreak, mourning, discomfort, sadness, despair, remorse, bereavement, misery, woe, trouble, anguish, worry, unhappiness
Words nearby Grief
gride, gridiron, gridiron pendulum, gridiron-tailed lizard, gridlock, grief, grief-stricken, griefer, griefo, grieg, griege
Origin of Grief
1175–1225; Middle English gref, grief < Anglo-French gref; see grieve
Other words from Grief
grief·less , adjective
grief·less·ness , noun
Word origin for Grief
C13: from Anglo-French gref, from grever to grieve 1
Synonyms for Grief
agony, anguish, bereavement, despair, discomfort, gloom, heartache, heartbreak, melancholy, misery, mourning, pain, regret, remorse, sadness, sorrow, trouble, unhappiness, woe, worry, affliction, care, dejection, depression, desolation, despondency, disquiet, distress, dole, dolor, grievance, harassment, infelicity, lamentation, malaise, mortification, mournfulness, purgatory, rue, torture, trial, tribulation, vexation, wretchedness, bemoaning, bewailing, deploring, lamenting, repining