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Showing words for GROOM using the English dictionary
5 Letter Words for Groom
4 Letter Words for Groom
3 Letter Words for Groom
Definitions for Groom
[1] a bridegroom.
[2] a man or boy in charge of horses or the stable.
[3] any of several officers of the English royal household.
[4] Archaic . a manservant.
[5] to tend carefully as to person and dress; make neat or tidy.
[6] to clean, brush, and otherwise tend (a horse, dog, etc.).
[7] to prepare for a position, election, etc.: The mayor is being groomed for the presidency.
[8] (of an animal) to tend (itself or another) by removing dirt, parasites, or specks of other matter from the fur, skin, feathers, etc.: often performed as a social act.
[9] a person employed to clean and look after horses
[10] See bridegroom
[11] any of various officers of a royal or noble household
[12] archaic a male servant or attendant
[13] archaic , poetic a young man
[14] to make or keep (clothes, appearance, etc) clean and tidy
[15] to rub down, clean, and smarten (a horse, dog, etc)
[16] to train or prepare for a particular task, occupation, etc to groom someone for the Presidency
[17] to win the confidence of (a victim) in order to a commit sexual assault on him or her
Words related to Groom
bridegroom, suitor, educate, comb, prim, tend, spouse, husband, benedict, hostler, equerry, prime, coach, drill, curry, tidy, refresh, sleek, train, refine
Words nearby Groom
grommet, gromwell, gromyko, gronchi, groningen, groom, groom's cake, groomsman, groot, groote, groote eylandt
Origin of Groom
1175–1225; Middle English grom boy, groom; apparently akin to grow
Other words from Groom
groom·er , noun
groom·ish , adjective
groom·ish·ly , adverb
non·groom·ing , adjective
re·groom , verb (used with object)
un·groomed , adjective
Word origin for Groom
C13 grom manservant; perhaps related to Old English grōwan to grow