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Showing words for GROUPING using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Grouping
7 Letter Words for Grouping
6 Letter Words for Grouping
5 Letter Words for Grouping
4 Letter Words for Grouping
3 Letter Words for Grouping
Definitions for Grouping
[1] an act or process of placing in groups.
[2] a set or arrangement of persons or things in a group.
[3] any collection or assemblage of persons or things; cluster; aggregation: a group of protesters; a remarkable group of paintings.
[4] a number of persons or things ranged or considered together as being related in some way.
[5] Also called radical. Chemistry . two or more atoms specifically arranged, as the hydroxyl group, –OH. Compare free radical.
[6] Linguistics . (in the classification of related languages within a family) a category of a lower order than a subbranch and of a higher order than a subgroup: the Low German group of West Germanic languages. any grouping of languages, whether it is made on the basis of geography, genetic relationship, or something else.
[7] Geology . a division of stratified rocks comprising two or more formations.
[8] Military . Army . a flexible administrative and tactical unit consisting of two or more battalions and a headquarters. Air Force . an administrative and operational unit subordinate to a wing, usually composed of two or more squadrons.
[9] Music . a section of an orchestra comprising the instruments of the same class.
[10] Art . a number of figures or objects shown in an arrangement together.
[11] Mathematics . an algebraic system that is closed under an associative operation, as multiplication or addition, and in which there is an identity element that, on operating on another element, leaves the second element unchanged, and in which each element has corresponding to it a unique element that, on operating on the first, results in the identity element.
[12] Grammar (chiefly British ) . a phrase: nominal group; verbal group.
[13] to place or associate together in a group, as with others.
[14] to arrange in or form into a group or groups.
[15] to form a group.
[16] to be part of a group.
[17] a planned arrangement of things, people, etc, within a group
[18] a number of persons or things considered as a collective unit
[19] a number of persons bound together by common social standards, interests, etc (as modifier ) group behaviour
[20] a small band of players or singers, esp of pop music
[21] a number of animals or plants considered as a unit because of common characteristics, habits, etc
[22] grammar another word, esp in systemic grammar, for phrase (def. 1)
[23] an association of companies under a single ownership and control, consisting of a holding company, subsidiary companies, and sometimes associated companies
[24] two or more figures or objects forming a design or unit in a design, in a painting or sculpture
[25] a military formation comprising complementary arms and services, usually for a purpose a brigade group
[26] an air force organization of higher level than a squadron
[27] Also called: radical chem two or more atoms that are bound together in a molecule and behave as a single unit a methyl group -CH 3 Compare free radical
[28] a vertical column of elements in the periodic table that all have similar electronic structures, properties, and valencies Compare period (def. 8)
[29] geology any stratigraphical unit, esp the unit for two or more formations
[30] maths a set that has an associated operation that combines any two members of the set to give another member and that also contains an identity element and an inverse for each element
[31] See blood group
[32] to arrange or place (things, people, etc) in or into a group or (of things, etc) to form into a group
Words related to Grouping
organization, categorization, layout, classification, form, display, pattern, array, combination, composition, method, design, disposal, disposition, deployment, placement, formation, distribution, lineup, order
Words nearby Grouping
group therapy, group velocity, group work, grouper, groupie, grouping, groupism, groupoid, groupthink, groupuscule, groupware
Origin of Grouping
1665–75; < French groupe < Italian gruppo ≪ Germanic
Other words from Grouping
group·wise , adverb
su·per·group , noun
un·grouped , adjective
Word origin for Grouping
C17: from French groupe, of Germanic origin; compare Italian gruppo; see crop
Synonyms for Grouping
organization, alignment, array, categorization, classification, combination, composition, deployment, design, display, disposal, disposition, distribution, form, formation, layout, lineup, method, order, ordering, pattern, placement, pecking order, rangi