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Showing words for GRUBBING using the English dictionary

8 Letter Words for Grubbing


7 Letter Words for Grubbing


6 Letter Words for Grubbing

buggin, gruing, gubbin, urging

5 Letter Words for Grubbing

bring, bruin, brung, burin, inrub, rubin, ruing, unrig

4 Letter Words for Grubbing

bigg, bing, birn, brig, brin, bung, burb, burg, buri, burn, ging, girn, grig, grin, grub, grun, guib, gung, gurn, rigg, ring, ruin, rung

3 Letter Words for Grubbing

bib, big, bin, bub, bug, bun, bur, ggr, gib, gig, gin, gnu, gub, gui, gun, gur, igg, ign, ing, nbg, nib, nig, nub, nur, rbi, rib, rig, rin, rub, rug, run, ubi, unb, ung, uni, urb, urn

Definitions for Grubbing

[1] the thick-bodied, sluggish larva of several insects, as of a scarab beetle.
[2] a dull, plodding person; drudge.
[3] an unkempt person.
[4] Slang . food; victuals.
[5] any remaining roots or stumps after cutting vegetation to clear land for farming.
[6] to dig; clear of roots, stumps, etc.
[7] to dig up by the roots; uproot (often followed by up or out ).
[8] Slang . to supply with food; feed.
[9] Slang . to scrounge: to grub a cigarette.
[10] to dig; search by or as if by digging: We grubbed through piles of old junk to find the deed.
[11] to lead a laborious or groveling life; drudge: It's wonderful to have money after having to grub for so many years.
[12] to engage in laborious study.
[13] Slang . to eat; take food.
[14] (when tr, often foll by up or out ) to search for and pull up (roots, stumps, etc) by digging in the ground
[15] to dig up the surface of (ground, soil, etc), esp to clear away roots, stumps, etc
[16] (intr; often foll by in or among) to search carefully
[17] (intr) to work unceasingly, esp at a dull task or research
[18] slang to provide (a person) with food or (of a person) to take food
[19] (tr) slang , mainly US to scrounge to grub a cigarette
[20] the short legless larva of certain insects, esp beetles
[21] slang food; victuals
[22] a person who works hard, esp in a dull plodding way
[23] British informal a dirty child

Words related to Grubbing

grubmaggot, worm, eats, caterpillar, entozoon, centipede, feed, provisions, victuals, sustenance, chow, nosh, nurture, viands, rations, edibles, shovel, forage, probe, ransack

Words nearby Grubbing

grubgrowth-onset diabetes, groyne, grozing iron, grozny, gru, grub, grub beam, grub hoe, grub saw, grub screw, grub street

Origin of Grubbing

1250–1300; Middle English grubbe (noun), grubben (v.); akin to Old High German grubilōn to dig, German grübeln to rack (the brain), Old Norse gryfia hole, pit; see grave1, groove

Other words from Grubbing

grub·ber , noun

Word origin for Grubbing

C13: of Germanic origin; compare Old High German grubilōn to dig, German grübeln to rack one's brain, Middle Dutch grobben to scrape together; see grave ³, groove

Synonyms for Grubbing

maggot, worm, caterpillar, centipede, entozoon