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Showing words for GRUDGING using the English dictionary
8 Letter Words for Grudging
7 Letter Words for Grudging
6 Letter Words for Grudging
5 Letter Words for Grudging
4 Letter Words for Grudging
3 Letter Words for Grudging
Definitions for Grudging
[1] displaying or reflecting reluctance or unwillingness: grudging acceptance of the victory of an opponent.
[2] a feeling of ill will or resentment: to hold a grudge against a former opponent.
[3] done, arranged, etc., in order to settle a grudge: The middleweight fight was said to be a grudge match.
[4] to give or permit with reluctance; submit to unwillingly: The other team grudged us every point we scored.
[5] to resent the good fortune of (another); begrudge.
[6] Obsolete . to feel dissatisfaction or ill will.
[7] a persistent feeling of resentment, esp one due to some cause, such as an insult or injury
[8] (modifier) planned or carried out in order to settle a grudge a grudge fight
[9] (tr) to give or allow unwillingly
[10] to feel resentful or envious about (someone else's success, possessions, etc)
Words related to Grudging
envy, pinch, covet, mind, deny, resent, refuse, begrudge, stint, complain
Words nearby Grudging
gruber, grubstake, grubstreet, grubworm, grudge, grudging, grudziadz, grue, gruel, grueling, gruelling
Origin of Grudging
e1400–50; late Middle English grudgen, gruggen, variant of gruchen < Old French gro(u)c(h)ier < Germanic; compare Middle High German grogezen to complain, cry out
Other words from Grudging
grudg·ing·ly , adverb
grudge·less , adjective
grudg·er , noun
un·grudged , adjective
Word origin for Grudging
eC15: from Old French grouchier to grumble, probably of Germanic origin; compare Old High German grunnizōn to grunt
Synonyms for Grudging
begrudge, complain, covet, deny, envy, mind, pinch, refuse, resent, stint, be reluctant, be stingy, hold back